Saturday, June 29, 2024

Spiritual Authority?!?

Some religious person says to you, "You need to be under the spiritual authority of..."

What do you say?

These people are ignorant and have been deceived and led astray. Often, the ones saying this are preachers who are themselves ignorant of Scripture, the New Covenant, and the Gospel and have been deceived and led astray (especially if they have the mark of some Seminary placed upon them). Jesus alone possesses all authority in the New Covenant, and He dispenses His authority through the gifts of the Spirit and the servant acts of His people—not the positions and titles bestowed by fellow man! Jesus condemned such positions and titles (Matt. 23)!

In Mark 10, James and John wanted to "sit with authority" over others in the Kingdom. Jesus' response reveals what He thinks of so-called "spiritual authority." He rebuked them for wanting to "exercise authority over others." Preachers had best pay heed to the lesson here.

Jesus ended the Old Covenant (Heb. 8:13) and initiated a New Covenant. He took a cup of wine and said to His disciples that this wine represented His blood that was shed so a new covenant would be established between Yahweh and His people. Jesus shed His blood to cause the first covenant to become obsolete and eventually disappear, which it did in AD 70. The only covenant in effect now is the New Covenant, which men enter into by faith in Jesus.

If you are trying to marry any part of the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, you are merely religious, like the Pharisees, and you have missed the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. You would do well to go spend some time reading Paul's letter to the Galatians.

Gentiles never had a part in the Law. Paul addresses this in Ephesians 2:11-12. The only Covenant we have ever known is the New. The Old was for Israel, and Jesus expanded it so much so that people under the Law would feel the weight of it and become despaired, seeking something better. The Old Covenant never worked! It was a ministry of condemnation and death (2 Cor. 3:7-11). If you are trying to keep any part of it by marrying it to the New Covenant, you are obligated to keep all of it (all 600+ laws!). If you fail in any single point of these, you are guilty of breaking all of it. The Law yields only two results for those trying to keep it: defeat, if you are honest; hypocrisy if you are not.

All Yahweh's promises are "Yes" in Jesus. Yahweh has given us everything we need pertaining to life and godliness. We lack nothing! We have the Spirit within us as our advisor, comforter, counselor, guide, and teacher. We are holy. We are righteous. We are saints. See yourself as Yahweh God sees you because of the person and work of Jesus on the cross!

You are under the "spiritual authority" of no one! This is a false teaching found nowhere in the Scriptures!