Friday, September 27, 2024

Tithing is Obsolete

“When anybody takes from a man the right to go to Jesus Christ and get instructions and follow Him, he is on the way to greater heresies. Popery of a Baptist preacher is wrong just like popery of Rome is wrong. If a pastor has a right to tell the people where their money must go, then a local denominational secretary will have the right to say so, too. If a church will have a right to tell you where you can give your money, it will have a right to tell you what you must believe also. If a church can tell you that you have no right to inquire directly from God about where to give your money, then the church can tell you that you have no right to come to Christ for salvation except as you come through the local church and let the church decide it. That way is Catholicism and that is wrong. Any bold and insistent step into heresy means further heresy ahead. Giving? Oh, yes. Giving tithes and offerings? Oh, yes, and far beyond that as I have delighted to do now for many, many years. If God leads, give it all through the local church, but only as He leads. But remember... [Jesus] has a right to say where it should go. No one has a right to take this crown right of Jesus Christ and put it on a preacher or board of deacons or a finance committee.” —John R. Rice

John Rice is absolutely correct here. However, he is wrong on one point: Tithing has nothing to do with the Christian!

Tithing was a part of the Old Covenant Law. It was a requirement in order to run Israel. In other words, tithing was Israel's taxation system. There is no tithing in the New Covenant Scriptures. Nor does tithing have anything to do with money. When the Old Covenant and the Law were abolished, having been fulfilled in and by Jesus, tithing went with them.

For the Christian, according to the New Covenant Scriptures, we have the option of voluntary free-will offerings. We are not obligated to give to anyone or anything, but are free to give according to what we want. It needs to be from the heart, and it should be done cheerfully. Our giving is meant to support widows, orphans, the sick, poor, and imprisoned. Our giving (which includes talent, time, and treasure) is not meant to fill some preacher's pocket or pay for some building that is not supposed to exist in the first place!

If giving is a duty to be fulfilled by you, Christian, then you are no different than the religious Pharisee. You are trying to be perfected by a law of your own, which means you are severed from Christ and have fallen from grace. There is no checklist for the Christian! There is no "do this" requirement to be in good standing with Yahweh God. You should be doing such things for others because love fills your heart; not because you think you are fulfilling some ignorant religious duty.

Get in the Word and learn the Scriptures for yourself! Learn to read things in their proper context and STOP believing the LIES that preachers are feeding you from behind the pulpit with their colossal ignorance of Scripture. They are leading you astray.