Polio was the result of central nervous system (CNS) poison—not a “virus.” The chief CNS poison of the day was a chemical called dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, commonly known as DDT. In 1945 in the United Stated, available for public sale, DDT was heavily promoted by government and industry.
“Photographs from the era show housewives filling their houses with DDT fog; dairy farmers dusting cows in their cowsheds, even spraying it into the milk; crop dusters depositing DDT on fields and forests; and children on beaches enveloped in the pesticide. An attachment for your mower could distribute DDT over your lawn, and trucks sprayed DDT on city streets, children cheerfully playing in the spray.”
“But the US government and health departments, along with chemical companies, were encouraging the spraying of DDT on the American public. Mass DDT spraying campaigns took place on beaches, aerially over swimming pools and parks — especially during the summer months (aka farming season). Coincidentally most “polio” paralysis cases happened during the summer months and in children. Parents were even encouraged to spray their children directly with the highly toxic chemical as well as put it in baths and other places where children had direct contact with DDT.”
Incidents of Polio declined as the use of DDT in the United States declined. “Vaccination” programs were introduced at the same time, and falsely given all the credit for the decline.

“Polio shows no movement independent from pesticide movement, as one would expect if it were caused by a virus.”
As you can see, Polio was not and is not a “virus.” The “Poliovirus” does not exist! It was and is a condition that resulted from the use of DDT and other toxins. When some clown starts spouting off about Polio, now you can educate him/her as to reality.
“In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis [to polio] is rare. It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis [brain damage] which follows it.” —Journal of the American Medical Association (1926)
It is worth noting that Jonas Salk, national hero and creator of the famous “Salk” polio vaccine, made a public statement in 1976 that two thirds of the cases of polio which occurred between 1966 and 1976 were caused by his vaccine.In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children have been injected with these vaccines. —Med Journal of Australia 3/17/1973 p.555
“Protection” via “vaccination” is an ugly superstition that must be discarded!