Copying, Linking, & Citing

For those who want to know about copying, linking to, and citing material found on The Berean's Desk.
  1. The Berean's Desk does not allow individuals to reproduce entire articles from our site and put them on their websites, blogs, etc., because it has an adverse effect on search engine rankings. Sites found stealing content from this site will be reported to their hosting provider.
  2. You may copy the beginning part of articles for use on your websites, blogs, etc., with a "Continue reading..." link that directs readers to the original article.
  3. You may copy parts of our articles for use in e-mails as long as the e-mails do not end up on websites, and as long as the full website address ( is included as the source.
  4. You may copy articles and place them in your bulletins, newsletters, etc., in non-electronic format, as long as the full website address ( is included as the source.
  5. Quotations of The Berean's Desk articles in books and magazines are allowed (and encouraged) provided the proper documentation is given.
    1. One article may be reproduced for each book and magazine. Beyond this, permission is required from The Berean's Desk.
  6. Fair use laws state that small portions of material may be quoted for documentation purposes, without written permission, but must be unaltered and accompanied by the proper documentation citing the source.

Please do! You do not need permission to link to The Berean's Desk. Feel free to link to individual articles or to the main site (

  • How to Cite The Berean's Desk: Author name, "Article Title," Website Title, Day Month Year article was published, <URL> [Day Month Year article was accessed.]
    • Example: Timothy Klaver, "Mystery of the Gentiles," The Berean's Desk, 6 Feb. 2020, <> Accessed 6 Feb. 2020.
The part in square brackets is optional. You do not have to put a "Last Accessed" date on your citation.