Monday, January 30, 2012

Multiple Genders or Two?

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27).
"But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE" (Mark 10:6; cf Matt. 19:4).

So-called "scientists" are now attempting to teach, contrary to evidential facts, that there are at least five sexes (genders). Worst of all, they are attempting to teach this foolish nonsense to our young children in public school! For those of you who obviously fail to have eyes to see the truth staring you right in your face, there are only two sexes (genders): male and female. A homosexual male is still a male. A homosexual female is still a female. A male who has had a sex change is still a male, regardless of exterior appearance. A woman who has had a sex change is still a female, regardless of exterior appearance. Males who think they are females are not females trapped inside a man's body; they are still males. Females who think they are males are not males trapped inside a woman's body; they are still females. All these individuals are greatly confused in their gender and sexual orientation. Society lying to them about who and what they are does not help the situation, but rather compounds it. These individuals need to be corrected and set straight. The failure to correct such behaviours stems from post-modern stupidity where they refuse to correct a child who is wrong because they think they will be "spanking the inner child." What foolish nonsense!

A "hermaphrodite" would not be a separate sex (gender) on its own, but a combination of the two sexes (genders). A child born possessing both a penis and a vagina is an abnormalitynot a new or separate sex. If an individual was born whose exterior appearance was entirely male but inside they possessed ovaries, or whose exterior appearance was entirely female but inside they possessed testes, it would not change the fact that they were male or female. If 95% of their genetic makeup was masculine with 5% feminine, they are clearly males. If 95% of their genetic makeup was feminine with 5% masculine, they are clearly females. Abnormal oddities such as these are not the norm and do not change the evidential facts that there are only two sexes (genders): male and female. If a male was born with ovaries or a female with testes, it is no different an abnormality than if they were born with one more or one less arm or leg or something else. Regardless of the abnormality, these individuals still belong to either the male or female classification. There are only two sexes (genders)—not multiple.

There is a Chinese proverb that states, "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names." That is the greatest problem with modern society—not desiring to call things by their proper names, but instead trying to mold them into "opinions" and ask "tolerance" for them. Truth is no longer accepted or desired. Deceit is preferred while good is called bad and bad is called good, just as Scripture testified would come to pass. We wretched individuals live in a desperately wicked world that is getting worse by the day! When the world would rather make excuses and try to make it acceptable, rather than calling it the sin that it is, we are in grave trouble. Come, Lord Jesus; come quickly!