Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What Is Truth? Part 1

"Truth!? What is truth?" Pontius Pilate asked Jesus. Indeed, what is truth? Truth is intrinsic. It is absolute. Modern philosophical nonsense says that truth is relative and that it is based on one's perception at the time. That could not be further from the truth—no pun intended. You see, truth is truth regardless of one's perceptions. Many years ago people used to believe that the Earth was flat. This is what they perceived to be true, but the truth was that the Earth is round.

Depending upon the severity, a colour-blind person may see things in complete black and white. This may be his/her personal reality, but it is not the truth. They perceive everything to be in black and white, but the truth is that the world is full of colours. Truth does not change based on what one perceives. If a child is raised being told that a blue crayon is yellow, it does not matter how earnestly he believes it to be yellow, he is wrong. The truth is that the blue crayon is blue—regardless of what he was told.

Truth is like mathematics. It is constant. It does not change. Two plus two will always equal four. Not four give or take one. In chemistry they might use “give or take one” based on the content of what they are working with, because too much of this or too much of that can alter the results of their chemicals, etc., but the unchanging fact of mathematics is that it is four. Period. If you hold two fingers up and I hold two fingers up, we have four fingers. If we’re driving down the road and you see two cars out your window and I see two cars out my window, we have seen four cars. If there are two apples on the table and I add another two apples, there are four apples. It’s going to be four every time, no matter how you try to argue it.

Every person in the world has been conditioned with scatomas that prevent them from seeing the truth of things. Scatomas are not necessarily bad things, but they are blocks in our mind that prevent us from seeing anything other than what we've been conditioned to see. That child who earnestly believes the blue crayon to be yellow possesses a scatoma that will not allow him to see it as anything else unless that scatoma is first removed. The Dispensationalist is conditioned with many scatomas that colour the way they read Scripture, and while the words of the verse itself and the context surrounding that verse do not allow it to be interpreted in the manner they are doing so, their scatomas prevent them being able to see anything but what they were conditioned to believe that verse says and teaches. Ezekiel 14:4 speaks to this end. If we approach God's Word with idols in our heart, what we want to see in a verse, God will allow us to see even though it is not the truth of that verse.

Now, our agnostic and atheist friends out there are reading this and thinking to themselves, "Exactly! You Christians possess scatomas about the Bible, being raised to believe the Bible and perceive that it is true, but the truth is that we evolved from a rock." Hold on a minute. Our agnostic and atheist friends are jumping to conclusions based on what they've been told is "true". They are also forming a fallacious argument, assuming our beliefs are scatomas rather than their own. In order to prove where a scatoma resides, the evidence must be examined closely.

Every science textbook from kindergarten to university says, "Billions of years ago there was nothing. Nothing means nothing." I hope you caught that. Nothing means nothing! But then they go on to tell us that "all the dust and dirt came together to form a dot smaller than the period on this page." They continue by telling us that it began to spin faster and faster until it exploded, thus giving us everything we see. Hold on. Question one: Where did all the dust and dirt come from? Nothing means nothing, remember? Question two: What made it come together? Who made gravity? Where did it come from? Question three: What made it start spinning? Who created that law and all the others that govern our universe? Where did they come from? Question four: How is it that we have planets spinning backwards and moons spinning and traveling backwards? Anyone who has studied true science knows that from an object in motion, any pieces that fall off that object will continue spinning in the same direction until they encounter resistance. Remember, nothing means nothing. Therefore, they could not bump into each other because the further out the pieces got, the farther apart they would be from each other.

Despite what the classroom textbooks say, in a cover article from Newsweek 1988 entitled “The Search for Adam and Eve,” palaeontologist Stephen Jay Gould wrote, “It makes us realize that all human beings, despite differences in external appearances, are really members of a single entity that’s had a very recent origin in one place. There is a kind of biological brotherhood that’s much more profound than we ever realized.” [Emphasis mine.] According to the article, scientists “…trained in molecular biology … looked at an international assortment of genes and picked up a trail of DNA that led them to a single woman from whom we all descended.” [Emphasis mine.] … “There weren’t even telltale distinctions between races.” Duh! That’s because there is only one race. The human race. Then, in 1995, Time Magazine had a brief article saying there was scientific evidence that “…there was an ancestral ‘Adam,’ whose genetic material on the chromosome is common to every man now on earth.” [Emphasis mine.] Again, duh! Geneticists have proven the Bible accurate and reliable once again, proving the fact that there was an Adam and an Eve and that we are all descended from them.

Science, history, and archeology continually prove the authenticity and reliability of the Bible. For years it was believed that the Bible was in error and that there was no such thing as the Hittites. That was until archeology discovered their capital city and found their records. The Bible is the only book that hangs its credibility on its ability to write history in advance—without any error.

To be continued...