Wednesday, January 26, 2022

"You Don't Know My Heart"

"Don't judge me! You don't know what's in my heart!"

I do not have to know your heart; I just need to see what you do with your body, because what you do with your body will tell me exactly what is going on in your heart.

Do not think that there is some sort of strange dualism or dichotomy within you that you can somehow separate one part of you from another part of you. You are what you are before God. Do not use this excuse that your heart is devoted while the rest of you is not! That is simply not true! Your heart is the control center of everything that you are. What you see in the mirror is what you see in your heart. Do not talk about a love for Christ that is not proven. Do not talk about a devotion to Christ where there is no evidence for said devotion.

Choose this day whom you will serve. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."