Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Hired Hands Exposed

"He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees—and the wolf snatches and scatters them—because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep." John 10:12-13

Say what you will about pastor Henry Hildebrandt of the Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario. While he teaches some extremely unbiblical doctrines, he is nonetheless one of the only pastors in the area (and one out of a handful across the entire country) who exhibited actually possessing a spine. Every other pastor knuckled under like the hired hands they truly are. The wolves came for the church, and these cowards abandoned the sheep and ran away. The Gestapo came, kicked in the door, told them they could not gather, and they said, "Sure thing, Bob! We'll disperse immediately!" I thought these "pastors" read their Bibles? Do they not understand anything concerning the Body and how each member needs the other members? Even John MacArthur stood his ground and fought the State of California on their authoritarian dictates.

You can attempt to defend your pastors all you want, but you are 100% in the wrong and they are shameful cowards. They did not stand up for the church, and they did not teach the church how to stand up for themselves. Instead, they shouted loud and clear, "This is not how to lead God's people!" Over 90% of the pastors across the face of the Earth all at the same time gave up on the church all because their governments told them to do so! The church shut up shop over propagandized fear porn just like the rest of the world. Not only were they not there for their own people, but they were not there for the unsaved. This just illustrates how much of a business that "churches" have become. They do not care about people's souls. Christians of the past worked in and through plagues to help people and reach people, even putting their own lives on the line because of the seriousness of the spiritual. How many did that today in the 21st century? A mere handful! Disgusting! Grotesque!

The only thing worse than this are those pastors who are willfully handing the sheep over to the wolves, encouraging people to get jabbed with these experimental bio-weapon injections and to risk both their health and lives—all while twisting Scripture to try and manipulate them. The false teachers are coming out of the wood work and revealing who and what they really are. Satan has infiltrated God's church and put his own ministers in key positions in order to mislead the sheep and let the wolves devour them.

By the way, this entire situation perfectly exhibits precisely why we should still be meeting in houses precisely as prescribed in the New Testament; precisely as most the rest of the world continues to meet to this day. No one—not one single denomination—was given the authority to change the traditions that the apostles instituted. The early church fathers did not have the authority to change any of the traditions instituted by the apostles. Our practices are so far removed from that of the New Testament that it is not the least bit amusing. There is a reason Paul says that he teaches the same thing in all the churches. The government cannot shut down a house church. They can threaten it. They can invade it (like Russians and Chinese do). They can persecute it. But that is all they can do to it. These pastors abandoning the church to meet online adds another indictment against the ownership and operational costs of a building that never should have existed in the first place. Jesus did not institute a priestly caste or a temple for His church, and neither did the apostles. We are that temple, and we are all priests!