Dear Christian Reader,
It is by Yahweh's grace that I pray that I am addressing issues biblically and in humility. It is good for brothers in the Lord to wrestle through matters of faith, doctrine, theology, and truth; to learn from each other and sharpen each other for Kingdom use. It is for this reason that I write these blog entries. Everything I do is done with the purposes in mind to:
- exalt (glorify) Yahweh and esteem (honour) His Son (Romans 15:6; Colossians 1:18),
- educate and edify (build up) the Body of Christ regarding truth (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16; Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 2:13), and
- evangelize the lost (Luke 19:10; Romans 1:16; Matthew 9:37-38; 28:19-20).
I pray that my blog entries bring glory to Yahweh, protect the integrity of His Word, forward His Gospel, edify His Congregation, show respect for others, and do so from a heart of sincere love, gentleness and humility. While I can speak the truth in spades, whether others want to hear it or not, nevertheless at times I do struggle to speak it graciously. As Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said, "I am perhaps vulgar, but it is not intentional, save that I must and will make people listen. My firm conviction is that we have had enough polite preachers." [By "vulgar" he did not mean that he curses and swears.] I ask those who may read this blog and take issue with that to please forgive me and to pray for me in that regard. None of us has reached perfection, and I am no exception.
With that in mind, on more than one occasion I have been accused of being "abrasive," or that my writings have an "abrasive" undertone, by what I will assume are well-meaning Christians. I suppose it is understandable for those who do not know me and have never taken the time to try and get to know me. However, their accusations are unfounded and far from the truth. I am not a contentious man; I would prefer to avoid confrontation if I could. Like Jude, I would much rather speak about our common salvation than to battle error. Nevertheless, I will run without hesitation to the front-lines and defend biblical and historic Christianity (to be clear, that of the first three centuries) when the need arises.
Why? Because, unfortunately, there is a huge gap of people unwilling to stand for the truth. Too many have embraced the world and her ways and live lives of hypocrisy and ungodliness. More than that, however, most of them do not even know the truth, let alone how to speak it, which makes it difficult to stand for something you know nothing about. I cannot tell you the number of Christians I have encountered sharing stories of unsaved family members, friends, or co-workers who have challenged them with something and they have no clue how to answer them. These are people who grew up in the Congregation! It would be more understandable coming from a new Christian, a babe in the faith. This is a massive indictment against the churches. Because no one else was willing to "stand in the gap," as it were, and even more were less capable of doing so, I had to get out of my comfort zone and take a stand. The more you do this the easier it becomes, but it still feels a little awkward. My concern for biblical Christianity and right living flows from my passion for Yahweh's glory and my love for Yahweh's people.
With respect to my writing style, I am afraid that it is the only way I know how to write. While my writing style is intended to challenge, many readers are not accustomed to this style of writing and tend to misrepresent my tone. Some people think I need a brain transplant. Others have said that I have saved their spiritual lives. Regardless of how you choose to see me (providing you have given me a fair shake rather than blindly believing what someone else has said about me), everything I write is always motivated by love for Jesus' Congregation—my brothers and sisters in the faith—and the lost. It is because of this love that I challenge many of the ridiculous and asinine opinions and traditions held by certain individuals and denominations. Specifically, my writings are typically directed toward and intended to confront and challenge the religious elite and the religious hypocrites. These individuals do not and will not listen without a certain element of a firm hand. Jesus was abrupt on many occasions, as were the prophets and apostles, and many other faithful believers down through the centuries. If being abrupt, or "abrasive," saves them from their man-made traditions and the like, then to Yahweh be the glory.
There is a lot in this world that we have been taught to believe that, if we do some digging, we will learn is nothing but utter error, if not intentional lies. Whether the Word of Yahweh, or anything else, we ought to study the matter to determine the truth; not just blindly receive and believe it because some perceived "authority" told it to us. Richard Feynman has some excellent quotes dealing with "experts" and "authorities" that we should take to heart. For this reason, 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study . . . rightly dividing the word of truth," and "Know the truth. Speak the truth. Stand for the truth." have become my catch phrases, or mottos. I pray that these would become your method of practice, too.
In His Name,