Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Ignorance of Sabbatarians and Torah Observance

For those professing "Christians" who continue to flirt with Moses, cheating on Jesus, such as the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Sabbatarians, the Torah Observant people, and other Judaizing cults, perhaps you should try paying attention to Jesus' words.

Jesus, being God, is the original Law-giver. He is the true Interpreter of the Law, and His word is final.

Mark’s interpretive comment makes it crystal clear that Jesus had annulled the Levitical food laws: “Thus He declared all foods clean” (Matt. 7:19).

If you are attempting to keep the Jewish dietary laws, then you are ignorant of Scripture, truth, and reality. Not only did God declare all foods clean in His vision to Peter, which also had another primary intended meaning concerning gentiles, but Jesus Himself declared all foods clean much earlier.

In Matthew 12, Jesus re-interprets the Sabbath command (see verses 6, 8, and 12). The Lord of the Sabbath has brought Sabbath rest for those who trust Him today (Matt. 1:28-30).

We are not beholden to a day. The day was made for us; we were not made for the day. Those who say we should observe the day are worshipping the day, enslaving themselves to it.

In His teaching on divorce, Jesus shows that the created order trumps the Mosaic order!

Everything I have taught on marriage, divorce, and re-marriage is 100% biblical. Those preachers who try and tell you that Jesus provided an escape clause and that Paul provided another escape clause are lying to you. They are imposing upon the text that which is not there! In my accurate exegesis of the biblical text on marriage, divorce, and re-marriage, there is one aspect I failed to address: Grace.

While everything I teach on marriage, divorce, and re-marriage is true and accurate to the Scriptures, we need to remember that Jesus' teachings are still under the Old Covenant. Jesus was increasing the weight of the Law upon those under the Law so that they would see the impossibility of keeping it and look for something better. While it is true that Jesus wants us to never divorce, if we happen to end up in a divorce situation, it is not the end of the world; it is not the unpardonable sin. There is still grace. Grace forgives the sin of divorce like every other sin and lets us move on with our lives. If God can forgive this sin the same way He has forgiven all other sins, then we can do so, too. We should not beat other people up just because they got a divorce, even when they knew it was against Scripture and the teachings of Jesus.

Unlike Yahweh’s previous sons—Adam (Gen. 1:28; 5:1; Luke 3:38), Israel (Ex. 4:22; Hos. 11:1; Ez. 37), and David’s sons (2 Sam. 7:14)—Yahweh is well-pleased with this Son (Matt. 3:17).

Jesus is:

  • the last Adam (1 Cor. 15:21, 45; Rom. 5:12-21),
  • the true seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:16),
  • the new Moses (Num. 12:7-8; Deut. 18:15-18; 34:10; Matt. 5; John 1; Acts 3:22; 7:37; Heb. 3:1-6),
  • the true Israel (Matt. 2:15; 4:1-11; John 15:1), and
  • David’s greater Son (Matt. 1:1-17; Acts 2:29-36; Rev. 22:16).

The dietary laws, the festivals, the Sabbath . . . they are all fulfilled and done away with. They have no part of the New Covenant. They have no place in the Christian's life. Read Colossians 2:16-17. Any professing "Christian" who is flirting with Moses is cheating on Jesus. Learn the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. Learn the biblical Gospel. Gentiles never had a part in the Law, and we were never required to: "excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12). For us, it is the New Covenant or nothing.

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