Monday, February 17, 2025

You Are Clean, But Not All of You

"You are clean, but not all of you." (John 13:10)

How is it that there are Christian believers who can read this passage, not have a clue what it is talking about, and then falsely teach that "we need a daily foot-washing like Jesus did for Peter because 'we are clean, but not all of us'"? How can these false teachers claim that we need daily foot-washings in order to be forgiven and cleansed?

You would have to be completely illiterate to read this passage and not understand the context, what is being said, and who is being talked about.

First of all, this passage is about Jesus displaying an extreme example of servitude. The epistles talk about ow we ought to be serving one another, put one another ahead of ourselves, and looking out for one another.

Verse 11 tells you exactly who Jesus is talking about when He says "but not all of you." He was talking about Judas. Christian "leaders" who mangle and twist verses like this need to be forced to step down. Is no one in their congregation wise and discerning? Do none of them hold ignorant clowns like this accountable for what is being said and taught? It is no wonder so many believers are so confused and delusional with their various man-made theologies.

There is a reason why Scripture says that not many should be teachers—because you do not have a clue what in the world you are talking about!

So many people worship the ground John MacArthur walks on, and are ignorant to the plethora of false teachings that he teaches. Many of his teachings are self-contradictory, while others contradict other teachings he has done. His own beliefs contradict each other. How can you live being a double-minded man? I could write an entire series of blog articles on the various false teachings that MacArthur and his lackey, Phil Johnson, espouse. But that would be pointless. My only goal (unless it is absolutely necessary) is to expose Scripture to people and let them see with their own eyes what it has to say. Verse-by-verse exposition does not take into account the big picture. Quite often, you will see preachers who use this method contradicting themselves when they come to a similar or parallel passage found in the synoptic gospels or other parts of Scripture.

If your church "leaders" are giving you false information concerning this passage in John, I suggest you run, and run quickly before they get their barbs in you and you start believing their theological lies.

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