Monday, March 10, 2025

My Experience with Measles

If you watch this video, then you'll understand what I'm about to share with you:

On Thursday, February 27, my 4-year-old began having a mild fever. I administered R1 and some Tylenol for the next four days. Late Sunday evening on March 2, my 1.5-year-old started to have a fever. I administered the same. Early Monday morning on March 3, as I was administering their medicine, I noticed some small red spots on my 4-year-old son's neck. I went to some of my medical books and did a quick check. I came back and checked inside his mouth. Sure enough, he had the measles. I gave him 20,000iu of Vitamin A, some R62, and Apis to start with. By the end of the day, he had a full red rash on his entire torso with the dots creeping down parts of his leg, his arms, his neck and face. I lathered Nature's Aid on his skin, which helps with itching. It contains Aloe Vera, Tea Tree, Witch Hazel, Vitamin E, and Rosemary. I also switched from Apis to Belladonna. The next morning, March 4, my son's skin was remarkable better. However, my 1.5-year-old son now had the red spots. Since he can't swallow a Vitamin A capsule, I bought some Caster Oil with Vitamin A and D3 and gave it to him with the same stuff I gave my other son, lathering Nature's Aid on their bodies whenever they began to feel an itch. Again, the next day his skin was visibly better. They were extremely tired for three days, but I continued my regimen and kept a close eye on their fevers, which were beginning to wane. By Thursday, March 6, both children had bounced back completely and were their usual active selves.

On Thursday, March 6, South Western Public Health wanted a throat swab to see if they really had measles. They swabbed my 6-year-old daughter, too. They called back today, Monday, March 10, to inform us that all our children had measles. Even my daughter who had received her first "vaccine" dose at age 2 or 3. The nurse was perplexed as to how she could have measles and yet have absolutely no symptoms whatsoever. The answer to that is found in the above video. My daughter had all her shots up to age three and my oldest son had half of that when we decided to stop giving them shots. The CONvid SCAMdemic helped wake me up and start doing my own research and reading those scientific medical studies that doctors and nurses apparently fail to read. My youngest son hasn't received a single jab, not even the Vitamin K jabs they give in the hospital. He bounced back faster than his brother!

Since there is NO SUCH THING as a "measles virus," and measles is a natural developmental process of the body that helps children prime, develop, and mature a healthy, robust, adult immune system, what exactly are they injecting our children with? Whatever it is, it is shutting something in the body off so that it "reduces the symptoms." This is how the Disney World measles outbreak occurred several years ago. It was NOT because of the "unvaxxed," who stay home when they see symptoms; no, it was the cause of so-called "vaccinated" individuals who had the illness, did not show any symptoms, and spread it around willy-nilly. ALL "vaccines" do this!

We saw the same thing with the so-called CONvid SCAMdemic "vaccine," which they told us would "reduce the symptoms." In other words, it would make you asymptomatic so that you were unaware you were even sick and could spread it everywhere you went. We have multiple records of events where jabbed people ONLY were in attendance (like a cruise liner) and EVERYBODY got sick. It was the so-called "vaxxed" who were spreading it and putting everybody else at risk. After receiving the jabs, the problem became compounded as people either died or received any number of injuries listed on 8 PAGES of side effects!!! "Safe and effective"??!?!?? The "vaxxed" were, and still are, ticking time bombs! So-called "vaccines" don't actually protect you. They merely mask your symptoms. If you write in to any health agency around the world and request all data showing that a "virus" has been isolated for the various "vaccines," you will receive letters back telling you they could find no such information. Why? Because NO "viruses" have ever been isolated and purified. Not a single postulate has been met!

Measles is a serious illness (specifically because of the high fever and the potential for deafness in the right ear, pneumonia, and encephalitis), but there's nothing "dangerous" about it if you stay on top of it. Public Health today LIES to us, telling us that 1 in 10 children die from it. Funny, in the 50s and 60s, before any so-called "vaccine" was invented, it was like 1 in 500,000. How do we have better technology and medicine today, and supposedly have higher death counts? The episode of the Brady Bunch dealing with measles is pretty much how it looked in my house. If measles is so "dangerous," how was I able to deal with it better than any doctor could? How was I able to vanquish it in LESS THAN one week?!? All you brainless critics of natural homeopathic medicine who lack the ability to critically think for yourself and mindlessly worship the pseudo-medicine so-called doctors peddle you, please explain my results. You mindlessly support anything a so-called doctor tells you because you haven't brains enough to think things through yourself and do basic research.

When God created the world, He gave us EVERYTHING we need to look after our health and our bodies. EVERY culture used natural medicine until the early 1900s when Rockefeller sold his oil-based "medicine" to doctors and hospitals, which resulted in cancer. The roll out of the "vaccine" schedule resulted in even more cancer. The so-called "vaccine" for the rebranded flu, "Covid", resulted in an EXPLOSION of cancer! Cancer is the leading cause of death in children under 14 years old in the USA, and that age group also receives the most jabs; more than any other country. Chinese, Indians, and Native Americans have been using nature to heal for THOUSANDS of years, but we claim these medicines are "in the realm of fantasy"? No, your synthetic medicines with their multiple side effects are what's relegated to the realm of fantasy. You don't want to conduct studies on natural medicine because you're AFRAID of the results. You KNOW what you'll find, and that will cost these companies MILLIONS, no, BILLIONS, of dollars! Doctors have no interest in curing you because a patient cured is a customer lost. They need money to run their business. They poison you with "vaccines" and then poison you some more with their synthetic "medicine"!

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