Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Created In the Image of God

by Michael Pearl
(I do not endorse anything by Michael Pearl! You are best to avoid all his work altogether! Trying to find anything remotely good like this post is like trying to find a gold nugget in a manure pile. Unless you're a mature, wise, discerning Christian, do not go near his work! It is frequently legalistic and heretical.)

God patterned everything he created after his own nature, including all aspects of erotic pleasure and reproduction. For the Bible tells us that by observing creation, we can gain knowledge of the Creator (Romans 1). All that is material and finite was created in the image of his non-material self. By attentive searching, we can discover the association of each thing God created with some aspect of his image.

Time, with its past, present, and future, was created in the image of his infinity. Matter was created to reflect the very existence of God. He created energy in the image of his power, vast space in the image of his boundlessness, motion in the image of his activity. The mind was created in the image of God’s wisdom, the will in the image of his self-determination. The human body was created in the image of God’s connection with physical creation. Music was created in the image of God’s soul. Color was created in the image of his beauty. The senses of sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing were created in the image of God’s experience of himself. The gift of speech and writing was created in the image of the second person of the Godhead – the “Word.” The human spirit was created in the image of God’s Holy Spirit. Sex, where body, soul, and spirit merge into oneness, was created in the image of communion within the Godhead. Erotic pleasure was created in the image of worship. Copulation, conception, and birth were created in the image of God’s creative powers.