Monday, July 10, 2017

A Message To All Immigrants (But Especially Muslims)

Every immigrant from one country to another country must adapt, assimilate, and integrate into the culture and society of their new country! Britain, Canada, the United States, and Australia each have different laws and regulations. If a citizen of Britain, Canada, the United States, or Australia, whose family has lived there for generations, decides that he/she wants to move and become a citizen in Britain, Canada, the United States, or Australia, he/she must adapt, assimilate, and integrate into the culture and society of his/her new country, obeying the laws and regulations of his/her new land. If he/she wanted to move and become a citizen in some other country in Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Middle East, the exact same conditions would be required! You do not get to choose which country you would like to live in, and then demand that they accommodate you and change their laws to suit you. If you do not like their laws and regulations, you have the freedom to leave!

Everyone immigrating from one country to another country should be required to undergo naturalization into that country. Anyone who fails to fulfill the conditions of naturalization violates the law and therefore should not be naturalized. The policy of rejecting citizenship to those who do not want to assimilate and integrate into their new society is something that all countries need to be doing. This should be done regardless of ethnicity, colour, or religion, and there should be no way to appeal the decision once it has been made. Muslims think they can move into a new country and then shout and bully authorities into getting their own way. You live in our countries. You obey our laws. If you do not like it, you have the freedom to leave!

If anyone wishes to become part of another country's society, they must learn the language! You do not get to come into that country, ignore its language, refusing to learn, and demand that they accommodate you. If you do not want to learn a new language, then go back to your own country or choose to live in another country that speaks your language! If the culture of the country you wish to become part of offends you, then consider another part of the world as your new home. Individual cultures are not required to bow down and accommodate you. You are required to adapt, assimilate, and integrate into their cultures. If you do not want to do this, then go back to your own country or choose to live in another country that is similar to your culture!

People everywhere have differing beliefs. If aspects of your beliefs do not violate the laws of the country you wish to be part of, and if you can live in harmony and peace with the rest of its citizens, then you are welcome to migrate. Most civilized countries have laws against murder. Therefore, because "honour killings" are a natural part of Islamic teachings, the majority of Muslims should not be allowed to migrate to any other countries! It would be like allowing someone to migrate into your country who believes that the practice of child sacrifice is acceptable.

If you are not happy with the country you choose to migrate to, then leave! Nobody forced you to come to that country. You asked to be there. Either you accept the country that you accepted, or else use your freedom to leave! You do not get to choose a new country to live in and then gripe, whine, and complain about every aspect of their country. If you do not like the country, its culture, its customs, it society, its laws, or anything else about the country, then leave!

Muslims who follow and obey the teachings of Islam are not capable of adapting, assimilating, and integrating into the societies of the countries they choose to migrate to. Muslims who follow and obey the teachings of Islam have no intentions of living peacefully in harmony with others. They want to subjugate everyone else to Sharia Law, making the lives of everyone else as depressing and hellish as their own. Muslims think that everything is a violation of their "religious" principles and demand that everyone else should change to accommodate them. They apply for jobs and then demand time from in the midst of those jobs in order to go and do their "prayers." Why is it that no other religion is allowed to do these things? Not Judaism, not Christianity, not Hinduism, not Buddhism. They demand that our public schools, high schools, colleges, and universities allow them to teach their own curriculum of hate to their children. Why is it that no other religion is allowed to have their own curriculum? Not the Jews, not the Christians, not the Hindus, not the Buddhists. Why are Muslims granted "religious" freedoms that no other religions are granted? Why is it that every time Muslims want their own way, it is somehow a violation of their "religious" principles?

Muslims are not very different from their false prophet, Muhammad. Every time Muhammad wanted to get his own way, his imaginary friend, Allah, would suddenly and magically give him a "revelation" that appealed exactly to Muhammad's own personal desires.
  • Muhammad wanted to have more than four wives—Allah gave him a revelation (surah 33:50).
  • Muhammad wanted to have sex with Aishah—Allah gave him a revelation.
  • Muhammad wanted to marry the divorced wife of his own adopted son—Allah gave him a revelation (surah 33:37).
  • Muhammad wanted his followers to quit coming over early and staying late after a meal, asking him all sorts of questions—Allah gave him a revelation (surah 33:53).
The list goes on. Apparently, Allah had nothing better to do with his time than to sit around all day waiting to make Muhammad's most neurotic and perverse fantasies come true. The fact is, Allah is nothing more than a figment of Muhammad's insane imagination, a mouth-piece for Muhammad to get his own way, a puppet on strings pulled by Muhammad.

Can a good Muslim be a good Briton? or a good Canadian? or a good American? or a good Australian? or a good citizen of any other non-Muslim country?

Theologically No!... Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.
Religiously No!... Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam (Quran 2:256).
Scripturally No!... Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur'an.
Geographically No!... Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially No!.. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
Politically No!... Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically No!... Because he is instructed to marry four (4) women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Qur'an 4:34).
Intellectually No!... Because he cannot accept the American Constitution (or equivalent) since it is based on biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically No!... Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an do not allow freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or freedom of expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually No!... Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is never referred to as a Heavenly Father, nor is he ever called "love" in the Qur'an's 99 excellent names.

The fact is, Muslims are incapable of being good Britons, or good Canadians, or good Americans, or good Australians. They are incapble of being a good citizen in any non-Muslim country. Since both they and their religion conflict with our laws and regulations, they ought not to be allowed to migrate into our countries until or unless they denounce the teachings and practices of Islam.