Monday, January 01, 2018

Which Is Most Unlikely?

Atheists do not think for themselves. As much as they profess to be "free thinkers," not a single one of their thoughts are original to themselves. Education merely serves to teach you how to think and believe the way your teachers think and believe, and that is precisely what Atheists are guilty of. Whether it is some book they have read or some video they have watched, not a single ounce of original thought goes into what they are hearing. It sounds convincing to them and they want to be convinced by it, so they are.

Atheists never bother to think about what it is they believe or what underlies their beliefs. Not only is their position wrong and indefensible, but despite finding themselves without any rational, reasonable, or logical arguments, yet they continue to believe strongly in their erroneous, fallacious, and false position.

Atheists will say that they do not believe the Bible because the Bible says that Jesus walked on water and they have never seen anyone walk on water. Yet, they have no problem believing that a rock somehow produced oxygen, somehow grew arms and legs and evolved into a person, and evolved into everything else we see around us today. Dirt somehow magically created DNA, intelligence, and consciousness, and everything in existence evolved from a rock.

Tell me, which of these two beliefs sounds the most far fetched? You have to be daft and blind not to see that evolution is a religion, a philosophy, a fairy tale. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in the Creator, God.

Evolution is a religion. It is not science. Science is based on empirical evidence, what you can test, observe, and repeat. If it begins and ends at a hypothesis, then it is not science. When you work backwards and introduce a supernatural miracle, it is not science. Evolution is a greater supernatural belief than God. One belief has a rational, logical, intelligent consciousness creating the entire universe; the other belief has dirt and a rock creating the entire universe. Common sense and a single working brain cell let you know which belief is most likely.

If we were to grant the Atheists that God does not exist, when we examine real science, such as the Laws of Thermodynamics, the first law utterly obliterates the Big Bang theory while the second law utterly obliterates the theory of Evolution. So if God does not exist, and since the Big Bang and Evolution never happened, where did we come from? How and why are we here now? Give it your best shot, Atheists. You and I both know what the answer is, no matter how much you try to suppress it. You simply do not like the alternative.