Thursday, October 03, 2013

Lies and False Messages in Rap Song Lyrics: "Same Love"

Below are the lyrics to a song that is being played in over-abundance on various radio stations, trying to brainwash and indoctrinate people into believing there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. I have put its lyrics in green to represent the poison that these words speak. I have tagged key lies and false messages throughout the lyrics and then provided an answer to them in the column on the right.

[Verse 1: Macklemore]
When I was in the 3rd grade
I thought that I was gay
Cause I could draw, my uncle was
And I kept my room straight
I told my mom, tears rushing down my face
She's like, "Ben, you've loved girls since before Pre-K!"
Tripping, yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she?
A bunch of stereotypes all in my head
I remember doing the math, like
"Yeah, I'm good at little league"
A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant
For those that like the same sex had the characteristics
The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision
And you can be cured with some treatment and religion
Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition3
, playing God
Ahh, nah, here we go
America the brave still fears what we don't know
And "God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten
But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago6

I don't know
1Homosexuality is a decision. Just like it is a decision to commit incest, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, rape, etc. Just like it is a decision to commit murder.

2Like all sins that people commit and embrace, homosexuality can be cured through genuine repentance and faith. Mere behavioural modification will not cure a thing. When Paul lists homosexual participants among those unrighteous who "will not inherit the kingdom of God" in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, he reveals in verse 11 that "Such were some of you." Were. Past tense. They are no longer homosexual participants. They repented of that wicked lifestyle and practice and began living the way God had intended all along: one man and one woman united as one body for life. This standard was referred to and upheld by both Jesus and Paul when they directed their audience back to the beginning and referred to the marriage of one man and one woman as being God's intention for all mankind (Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31).

3Nobody is "pre-disposed" to homosexuality. That is like saying a person is "pre-disposed" to incest, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophelia, rape, etc. Or that murderers are "pre-disposed" to murder. Boys naturally gravitate toward girls, and girls naturally gravitate toward boys. The typical factors most often found in close association with homosexuality are the lack of a father figure and/or sexual abuse as a child by a male figure; events or information that confuse the individual and cause them to consider things their own conscience informs them are unnatural.

4America does not fear anything in regard to homosexuality. No fear exists in speaking out against something that is morally unnatural, perverse and degrading. There is no such thing as "homophobia." That is a term coined by homosexuals in order to try and silence those opposed to their lewd behaviour.

5Each and every person on the face of this Earth is not God's child. "It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants" (Rom. 9:8, cf. Gal. 3:7, 16, 29). Only those who have been regenerated, born again, and have repented and forsaken their sins, having been bought by the blood of Christ Jesus, are the children of God. Those are who God loves, for "[God hates] all who do iniquity" (Ps. 5:5) and is angry with the wicked "every day" (Ps. 7:11-13).

6Quoting what the Bible says literally is not "paraphrasing." This guy might want to look up the word "paraphrase" and educate himself. God is the same "yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). He "does not change" (Ps. 15:4). His Word does not change either because He and His Word are one. His words are a reflection and extension of His holiness.

7That would be the honest thing for you to say: "I don't know." Then be humble enough and teachable to allow others to educate you as to the truth of the matter. Trying to espouse the same lies homosexuals are already spreading only serves to make you look like a fool.
[Hook: Mary Lambert]
And I can't change8
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to

And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
My love, my love, my love
She keeps me warm [x4]

8Yes, you can, but you do not want to. You want to embrace your sin rather than to forsake it. There are thousands of ex-homosexuals out there who are willing to testify that you can change, and that a life truly changed by Christ Jesus can and does result in change. Like a man who does not want to give up his pornography addiction, you do not want to give up your disgusting habit.
[Verse 2: Macklemore]
If I was gay I would think hip-hop hates me
Have you read the YouTube comments lately?
"Man, that's gay" gets dropped on the daily
We've become so numb to what we're saying
Our culture founded from oppression
Yet we don't have acceptance for 'em
Call each other faggots
Behind the keys of a message board
A word rooted in hate
Yet our genre still ignores it
"Gay" is synonymous with the lesser
It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion
Gender to skin color, the complexion of your pigment
The same fight that led people to walk-outs and sit-ins
It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference
Live on! And be yourself!
When I was in church they taught me something else
If you preach hate at the service, those words aren't anointed
That Holy Water that you soak in has been poisoned
When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless
Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen10

I might not be the same but that's not important
No freedom til we're equal
Damn right I support it
9In the past, men who engaged in sexual activity with other men were labeled "faggots." The word was never rooted in "hate." Likewise, women who engaged in sexual activity with other women were labeled "lesbians." The women have obviously embraced their title, whereas the men are trying to accommodate a title to themselves that is generic for both groups. "Gay" does not refer to men only. "Gay" refers to both homosexual men and homosexual women. It is a redundancy to say "Gays and Lesbians." It is akin to saying, "Humans and Women."
Sadly, two perfectly good words have been perverted and used in conjunction with the disgusting behaviour of homosexuality. The word "gay" used to mean "happy," and you can find it used in the theme song to The Flintstones. The term "queer" used to mean "strange," and you can find it used in the 1980's Alice in Wonderland TV movie with Natalie Gregory.

10Homosexuals have never had any rights stolen from them. You cannot compare homosexuality to slavery. This is a false comparison. Homosexuality is not an ethnic minority. Homosexuals have never been bought and sold in America; they have never been denied the right to vote; there are no gay and straight classrooms or drinking fountains; and they have always had the right to hold property and participate in the political process. Homosexuals have always had the same rights all Americans have had. The same sure cannot be said about African-Americans.

11It is not "hate" to preach against the acts of wickedness. Next thing you know, it will be considered "hate" to preach against incest, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, etc. This rapper throws the word "hate" around ignorantly, obviously ill-educated as to what the word means and what actually constitutes hate. Disagreeing with something is not "hate." If you want to see what true hate looks like, look no further than to the homosexual community who threaten and attack people for disagreeing with them: threatening to donate HIV contaminated blood; threatening to blow things up; trespassing on church properties and abusing their parishioners; sending "tweets" that suggest someone who disagrees with them go and kill themselves; etc. Is it "hate" to speak out against murder and rape?

12You support a morally bankrupt perversion that nature itself condemns? Homosexuality is a perversion of both human and sexual nature. The plug was perfectly designed to be used in an outlet. The nut was perfectly designed to be used on a bolt. Likewise, the penis was perfectly designed to enter the vagina and the vagina was perfectly designed to receive the penis. Furthermore, it is the only way with which to produce progeny. It is impossible to do so with homosexuals; they will die without having produced a subsequent generation. You support something unnatural and illogical.
[Trombone Interlude]
I don't know13

13Again, that would be the honest thing for you to say: "I don't know." Then be humble enough and teachable to allow others to educate you as to the truth of the matter. Trying to espouse the same lies homosexuals are already spreading only serves to make you look like a fool.
[Verse 3: Macklemore]
We press play, don't press pause
Progress, march on!
With a veil over our eyes, we turn our back on the cause
'Til the day that my uncles can be united by law
Kids are walking around the hallway
Plagued by pain in their heart
A world so hateful
Some would rather die
Than be who they are
And a certificate on paper
Isn't gonna solve it all
But it's a damn good place to start
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us
Whatever god you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear, underneath, it's all the same love
About time that we raised up!

14This brings us to the crux of the issue. The reason he writes this song and believes what he believes is because he has two "uncles" who are gay. Just because something hits close to home, no matter how much you love the individual, it does not suddenly make their actions okay. If they are a murderer, a rapist, a pedophile, a homosexual, or guilty of committing any other sins, you do not get to excuse them and make excuses for them just because you love them. You can love them without accepting their wicked actions, no matter how close to home it hits.
Whether they are united by law or not, it is still not a marriage. A marriage, as defined by God, is one man and one woman united as one body for life. No other definition will suffice. You cannot change what God has ordained. Such a law being passed is no law at all, and I will never submit to such a law because it goes against conscience and common sense. Just because we do not have a law saying something, does not mean something is right or wrong to do; and just because we do have a law saying something, does not mean something is right or wrong to do. Homosexuality is still wrong and unnatural regardless of how many laws are passed trying to approve of it and make it acceptable. Next they will be trying to get laws to support incest, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, rape, etc.

15A certificate on paper is meaningless because two homosexuals are not married. Two homosexuals do not constitute a marriage, no matter what man-made laws might say. God's laws are what matter, and if man's laws go contrary to God's laws, man's laws are not to be obeyed.

16As a human being, homosexuals were created in the image of the God of the Bible. However, homosexuals do not belong to the God of the Bible: "It is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants" (Rom. 9:8, cf. Gal. 3:7, 16, 29). "[God hates] all who do iniquity" (Ps. 5:5) and is angry with the wicked "every day" (Ps. 7:11-13). "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'" (Matt. 7:21-23). "Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. Little children, let no one deceive you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil. No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother." (1 John 3:4-10).

17No, it is not the same love. The "love" between homosexuals is not the same love as between heterosexuals. There is nothing loving about condoning the sins of another person and encouraging them to continue in that sin. Heterosexual love is "like-opposite," loving something "similar" yet "different" from yourself. Homosexual "love" is a mirror-image and is the same as someone loving themselves through masturbation.

[Outro: Mary Lambert]
Love is patient, love is kind
Love is patient (not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient (not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient (not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient (not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays)
Love is patient (not crying on Sundays)
Love is kind (not crying on Sundays)

Perhaps you need to cry on Sundays, coming to terms with the realization of the fact of just how wicked and depraved you truly are (just like the rest of us) and just how much your soul needs Christ Jesus to save you from your sins and cleanse you from them. Embracing something God has clearly condemned in all its forms, when all of Scripture upholds the standard of heterosexuality, only increases the wrath of God that is already stored up for you (and every other sinner) on the day of judgment. You will not get a free pass. God set the standard for human relationships with one man and one woman, and condemned homosexuality in all its forms (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:8-11). Today is the day of salvation. Repent, or you will likewise perish.

Homosexuals are people, too, and should be treated as such; but as sinners, like the rest of us, their sin should not be made light of and impressed upon others to accept and approve of. Sin is sin, and when God has labeled something as sin, we would be wise to accept His assessment thereof and agree with Him. Homosexual sin is not greater than any other sin, but it should also not be treated any lesser than any other sin. Sin is sin in the eyes of God, and whether it is homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, rape, murder, theft, lying, etc., all sin carries the same condemnation and judgment. Yes, treat homosexuals as human beings, but, no, do not give way to their immoral perverted behaviour and practices. Sin is sin. Love the sinner, but hate the sin. If homosexuals do not repent, they will perish in their sin like every other sinner. Pray for them to come to the knowledge of saving faith in Christ Jesus.