This diagram is what we have been taught for decades in our schools with regard to the makeup of planet Earth. However, it is highly speculative and theoretical, not based on a single shred of scientific evidence. Why do I say this? Let us examine the facts:
Earth radius is the distance from the Earth's center to its surface. This distance has been calculated to be approximately 6,371 km (3,959 mi). Please take note of the distances recorded on the above diagram (or any other diagram you encounter).
Located within the Arctic Circle, in the Northwest corner of Russia, is the deepest hole ever drilled into the Earth. Soviet scientists began drilling the hole in 1970, eventually reaching a depth of 12,262 m (40,230 ft) in 1989. The Soviets wanted to bore through the Earth's crust and into the upper mantle, though no one knew what would happen. Fears of unleashing seismic disaster upon the world, or even demons from hell, proved to be unfounded. The project was abandoned due to temperatures in excess of 177C (350F), which allowed rock to flow back into the borehole.
How thick is the Earth's crust? According to this diagram, it's 5 to 50 km. Other people have said, "The thickness of the Earth's crust is not equal in all areas. The
average thickness is 20-25 miles, but there are places where the
Earth's crust is 45-47 miles thick." How do we know this? The deepest hole ever drilled into the Earth's crust is 12.262 km (7.62 mi, when rounded up). Ergo, this information is speculative theory—not science.
Nobody has ever come to, or seen, the edge of the Earth's crust. The mantle, outer core, and inner core are just made up. Nobody has ever seen them. Furthermore, nobody has ever seen what the Earth is made out of. For all we know, the center of the Earth could be made out of cream cheese. The deepest distance ever drilled is not even 1/500th of the Earth radius. Our science textbooks are filled with speculations that have no evidence to support them and lies not based on scientific observation. Here are some other lies taught in our science textbooks:
Addendum: I have talked with individuals who have attempted to tell me that "science does not attempt to prove or disprove anything." If this is the case, then you had better never go see a doctor ever again in your entire life, and you might want to avoid going to the gas station to fill your vehicle with gasoline because this time it might be chocolate milk you fill it with. Science has proven and disproven many things, but, contrary to what many have falsely been led to believe, science cannot provide an answer for everything. I have even talked with individuals who have attempted to suggest that going "beyond science" is somehow science, which it clearly is not. Imagination is not science. For those ignorant individuals who agree with the two false arguments contained in this paragraph, might I suggest you educate yourself as to What Is "Science" and "Scientific Method"? And for those ignorant individuals who ignorantly refer to a "consensus" among scientists regarding certain beliefs, there are two quotations by Michael Crichton in that article that you might want to pay close attention to: "There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period."
- "Stalactites take millions of years to form." If this is true, why do we have them growing in the basements of older houses?
- "Petrification takes millions of years to occur." If this is true, why do we have modern-day petrified items?
Addendum: I have talked with individuals who have attempted to tell me that "science does not attempt to prove or disprove anything." If this is the case, then you had better never go see a doctor ever again in your entire life, and you might want to avoid going to the gas station to fill your vehicle with gasoline because this time it might be chocolate milk you fill it with. Science has proven and disproven many things, but, contrary to what many have falsely been led to believe, science cannot provide an answer for everything. I have even talked with individuals who have attempted to suggest that going "beyond science" is somehow science, which it clearly is not. Imagination is not science. For those ignorant individuals who agree with the two false arguments contained in this paragraph, might I suggest you educate yourself as to What Is "Science" and "Scientific Method"? And for those ignorant individuals who ignorantly refer to a "consensus" among scientists regarding certain beliefs, there are two quotations by Michael Crichton in that article that you might want to pay close attention to: "There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period."