Saturday, July 04, 2015

The Ignorance of Modern Americans

Quite recently, several U.S. Supreme Court judges forcibly legalized same-sex "marriage" in all 52 States. There are several problems with this:
  1. Supreme Court judges do not have that kind of authority. They would do well to learn their place and to honour and uphold it correctly.
  2. Every State operates independently of every other State. Taxes are different between States. Laws are different between States.
  3. The public/people can override the judges' ruling. Remember, the U.S. government is a "government of the people, for the people, by the people."
The U.S. government is not a dictatorship, despite Muslim President Barack Obama's attempts at otherwise. However, the sad reality of modern day America is that most people have rolled over and relinquished their rights. They need to wake up and realize the above three facts.

Homosexuals account for less than 2% of the American population. How is it that a less than 2% population is manipulating and controlling the other 98% population, forcing them to do and/or accept what 100% of the population knows intrinsically to be unnatural; a perversion of both human and sexual natures?

As this law was forcibly passed illegally, other perverts have begun to fight for their "rights." Pedophiles and Zoophiliacs have been arguing that they cannot help the way they are—that they were born that way. By these arguments, we were all born helpless to our vices. Murderers cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies. Rapists cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies. Adulterers cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies. Fornicators cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies. Thieves cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies. Liars cannot help themselves, they were born with those tendencies.

We all know the above arguments are unsound and nothing more than a crock of dung. It is an attempt at excusing and justifying one's sins. Homosexuals are merely paving the road for other perverts to follow. The simple fact is, what is happening in the U.S. today is both the cause of and result of God's judgment. Read Romans 1 and you will see it. Study the history of past civilizations such as Rome, Greece, Babylon, and Sodom and Gomorrah, and you will see it. Unless people smarten up and start standing up for the truth, being a "government of the people, for the people, by the people" the way it was intended, things are only going to get worse.

Muslims and homosexuals have one major thing in common—both attack Christians with the ultimatum, "Convert, or lose everything!"