We are not barbarians. Dads should not threaten a potential suitor with a fire-arm. At least not a loaded fire-arm. But that doesn’t mean a Dad shouldn’t put the young man on the hot seat.
Below are some questions that may help you determine if a young man will have access to your daughter. Your mileage may vary. Start with #30.
- Share your salvation testimony.
- What is the Gospel?
- Share the most recent Bible verse you have memorized.
- Can you recite all 66 books of the Bible in order? Try.
- How often do you read your Bible?
- When was the last time you read your Bible?
- Tell me about your participation in your local church.
- Can you recite the Nicene Creed for me?
- If you are a virgin, why? If you are not a virgin, tell me what you have learned.
- Tell me everything you know about the Protestant Reformation.
- What is your approach to protect your sexual purity as well as my child's?
- What Scripture verses guide your interactions with the opposite sex?
- Explain your doctrinal views on the Bible, the Trinity, salvation, the Church.
- What Bible verses are presently the most challenging in your personal walk with Christ?
- Where is he convicting you now?
- How has God grown you as a Christian over the last year?
- Do you agree with that plan? Are you following that plan?
- What do you believe is God's plan for premarital relationships with the opposite sex?
- Is your conscience clean before the Lord in your dealing with my child?
- Have you crossed those boundaries in your relationship with my child?
- What are the boundaries that you have set in order to maintain purity?
- How would you describe the role of the husband in marital relationships?
- Do you see issues or concerns in this area?
- What is the role of your parents after marriage?
- Have you discussed this area with my child?
- What are your thoughts regarding children?
- When was the last time you looked at pornography?
- Do you have the ability to provide for my daughter? If not, what is your plan?
- What is your theology of financial stewardship?
- Tell me about your little brothers and sisters.