Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Who Is A True Muslim?

You hear many politicians, reporters, Leftists, and "moderate" Muslims claiming that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Isis, Hamas, etc., are not true Muslims and do not represent Islam. They will attempt to tell you that if a Muslim kills other Muslims, he/she is not a true Muslim. Oddly enough, these terrorist groups claim that "moderate" Muslims are not true Muslims and do not represent Islam. Who is telling the truth? Who is a real Muslim? Let us check our facts.

Muhammad gave Aishah the title "Mother of the Faithful." He gave Ali the title "Commander of the Faithful." The Mother of the Faithful lead an army against the Commander of the Faithful and about 10,000 Muslims died in bloody combat. They regarded each other as hypocrites and apostates. Maybe, according to these politicians, reporters, Leftists, and "moderate" Muslims, that entire first generation of Muslims were not true Muslims. This is what Muhammad had to say:
Sahih Muslim 6470— "The Messenger of Allah was asked: 'Which of the people are the best?' He said: 'My generation, then those who come after them, then those who come after them.'"

Sahih Muslim 6478— "A man asked the Prophet: 'Which people are best?' He said: 'The generation to whom I was sent, then the second, then the third.'"
According to Muhammad, as found in the Muslim's own sources, the best Muslims were the very first generation of Muslims. But the first generation of Muslims killed other Muslims; so according to modern Muslims, the first generation of Muslims were not true Muslims. If the best Muslims ever, according to Muhammad, were not true Muslims, then Islam is a dead religion.

According to the Qur'an, the Hadith, and other Islamic sources, what we see terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, Isis, Hamas, etc., doing, is absolutely representative of Islam and is precisely how a true Muslim is required to act. Examination of the last 1400 years of Islamic history acknowledges this conclusion. All real Muslims are terrorists. Any self-identified Muslim who obeys any part of the Qur'an or the Hadith, or any part of Islamic teachings, cannot be trusted and should not be trusted. They are encouraged and commanded to lie (surahs 2:225; 16:106; 66:2; etc.) because Allah is the greatest of deceivers (surahs 3:54; 7:99; 8:30; 27:50; etc.). The only decent and respectable self-identified Muslims are those who denounce and condemn the acts of Islamic terrorist groups and the teachings of Islam through the Qur'an, the Hadith, and other Islamic sources. The only decent and respectable "Muslims" are ex-Muslims, those who have rejected and left the tyranny and oppression of Islam.