Tuesday, July 31, 2018

You Can't Prove A Negative?

Repeat a lie loud enough, long enough, and often enough, and eventually people will believe it. This is a favourite argument of Atheists these days. They attempt to argue that God does not exist, and when challenged to prove it, they respond fallaciously with, "You can't prove a negative."

But is this true?

No, it is not. We prove negatives all day, every day in our every day life. People who think this is impossible quite obviously do not have degrees in logic. No professor of logic would ever make such a ridiculous claim. Atheists have an aversion to the burden of proof. Because they cannot provide such proof, they attempt to shift the burden of proof.
Negative: I can prove that I don't have 25 eyes.
All I have to do is look in a mirror and count my eyes and I can easily prove that I do not have 25 eyes. I just proved a negative.
Negative: I can prove that my wife is not Kate Beckinsale.
 Very easy to prove this negative.
Negative: I can prove that people who think you can't prove negatives don't have degrees in logic.
Can you prove to me right now that you do not have a Bengal Tiger sitting in your lap? Can you prove to me that you have not lost all your teeth? Can you prove to me that your under garments do not have pictures of Sponge Bob Square Pants on them? Of course you can! If you cannot, then there is something seriously wrong with you.

People who think you cannot prove negatives obviously have no clue what a negative is. They heard one idiot say it, and it sounded like a good argument to them, and so like spoon-fed nonsense-regurgitating parrots, they swallowed this crap hook, line, and sinker. Why? Because they are not "free thinkers" and do not and cannot think for themselves. They have no ability in logic, rationale, or, apparently, common sense.

Some Atheists even attempt to claim that you cannot prove universal negatives. Water is universally known to be made of H2O. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. I can universally prove that there exists no water that is not made out of H2O. If something looked like water, moved like water, but was made out of carbon, then by definition it cannot be water. It is easy to prove universal negatives. How about a square circle? If it is square, it is not a circle. If it is a circle, it is not a square.

Proving negatives is simple and easy. Those who think and believe that you cannot do such have no grasp on logic, let alone possess a degree in logic. Atheists cannot prove that God does not exist because there is far too much evidence to the contrary.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Inconsistent Atheist

Why do Atheists care what others believe or do not believe? How does it affect them in the least? The main reason is because they are attempting to try and convince themselves of the nonsense they spew yet intrinsically know to be false due to their own conscience. Nevertheless, according to Atheism, Atheists are their own law givers. Therefore, they cannot impose their "moral standards" on others, since they have none. If God does not exist, then everything is fair game and nothing is wrong or immoral. Atheists who attempt to impose certain moral standards are being inconsistent with what they claim to believe (or not believe) and hypocritical because they are borrowing heavily from Christianity.

Morality is not determined by society. If moral standards were left to men to decide, everyone would do what was right in his/her own eyes. Nobody would agree. Look at modern society where many of its people are complete idiots who think all opinions are equally valid and all "truth claims" are equally valid. What if two opinions are diametrically opposed? Are they still equally valid? What if two "truth claims" are diametrically opposed? Are they still equally valid? Even these ludicrously asinine arguments are inconsistent and hypocritical. So their argument results in, "all opinions are equally valid until they are not" and "all 'truth claims' are equally valid until they are not." Sheer idiocy! But then I would expect nothing less from Atheism.

Morality and moral absolutes come from God. We know these things to be wrong because God has said they are wrong and He has written this fact down in our hearts and on our consciences. How many people have tried to argue for the legitimacy of their murdering people? eating people? molesting children? stealing? lying? committing adultery? It does not matter the sin (or crime), there are people who have tried to argue that there was nothing wrong with it. People today are doing it with homosexuality, transgenderism, Islam, etc.

If Atheists were consistent with their beliefs (or lack of), then no morals would be imposed upon them and they would act accordingly. If we are nothing more than protoplasm and animals, then what does it matter what we do to each other. Especially since when we die we become dust and no longer exist. Why be nice to other people and try to help them if we are nothing, our life means nothing, and we turn into nothing? Why try to better humanity or progress anything (technology, science, health, etc.) since our existence is meaningless and will not amount to anything. Why leave things to future generations when their existence is as meaningless as our own? All you do is create false hope where there is none. You are born, you live, you die. So be consistent Atheists and stop stealing from Christianity and trying to impose Christian morals at will whenever it pleases you and you agree with them. Stop being a Jellyfish Atheists and develop a spine and live your life consistent with Atheism.

Atheists are not trying to convince others that God does not exist; they are attempting to convince themselves. Yet their conscience informs them that He clearly does and that everything they do holds them accountable to Him and that they will answer for everything they have done. People choose Atheism because they do not like to think and having to weigh the evidence and discern what is and is not true is hard work. Why put in the effort to determine who is and is not telling the truth about life and history when it is much easier (and spineless) to dismiss it all and pretend it does not exist despite all the evidence screaming at them?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ten Technological Traps

by Joshua Engelsma

We live in a time of great technological advancement. Companies are constantly churning out new products that are hailed as smarter, more advanced, and more innovative. And in many ways we have made ourselves dependent on technology with our smartphones, tablets, and computers, too name just a few.

There is nothing inherently sinful in these things. In fact, they can be powerful tools for good in the service of God and his church, and therefore we can use them with a good conscience before God. "For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer" (1 Timothy 4:4-5).

That being said, we ought to recognize that there are many dangers that these wonders of the technological age present. These dangers ought to make us careful in our use of these good gifts.

What follows are a list of ten such dangers, "traps" of technology:
  1. We can waste an unbelievable amount of time using technology. How many hours are wasted staring at the TV, pursuing pointless information on the internet, looking at pictures on Instagram, and posting on Facebook? Too many, making this one of the top traps of technology.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

The Golden Idol of Homosexuality, Transgenderism, and Islam

Back in 2013, I wrote an article titled Bow Down and Worship. It recalled how during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar, he had erected a golden statue and demanded that everyone bow down and worship it. This was an edict, a law. Anyone who refused to bow down and worship the golden idol was threatened with being cast into a fiery furnace.

In Canada, today is no different.

Today, Christians are being forced to bow down before, accept, and approve of homosexuality, transgenderism, and Islam. If they speak out against any of these, they are threatened with being cast into prison due to imagined "hate speech" and imaginary "hate crimes." Christians and conservative Canadians no longer have free speech. They are no longer allowed to have their own opinion or to disagree with these three "idols."

It is rather ironic how if you voice your disagreement concerning homosexuality, it is the LGBT community who gets angry and starts shouting things like, "You should go and hang yourself" or "You should go and shoot yourself." It is also rather ironic how if you voice your disagreement concerning homosexuality, it is the LGBT community who initiates and instigates violence by attacking you physically. Anyone with even half a brain and an ounce of intelligence can see that it is not the Christians who are guilty of "hate speech" and "hate crimes," merely for disagreeing with it. It is the LGBT community who are the true culprits and perpetrators of hate speech and hate crimes. But because Canada has made them a special class of citizen, they can quite literally get away with murder and have it blamed on their "victimhood" status and their being a minority. 

Homosexuality is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV of the rectum. This fact is evidenced by statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Homosexuality is a perversion, and it is a choice. Homosexuals like to try and argue that they were born that way. If that were the case, then prove that a pedophile was not born that way. Homosexuals like to say that pedophiles are sick. And homosexuals are better how...?

All men and women struggle with different desires. It does not mean we give in to them. When a straight married man struggles with his desires, if he gives in to them it is called adultery. If a homosexual gives in to their desires, they just fight to make them legal. Homosexuals force their opinions and beliefs upon those who disagree with their perverse behaviour.

As I wrote then:
Those who profess to be homosexuals are less than 3% of the population and yet they are squeezing the majority, forcing them to do their bidding.
Despite getting the law on their side through manipulation and idle threats, the homosexual's conscience still screams at them that what they are doing is wrong. They can try to silence all the opposition, and they can get all the laws on their side they want, but they will never be able to silence their conscience. Homosexuals know that what they are doing is wrong, yet they seek to make it legal. Could you imagine if murderers and rapists and zoophiliacs and pedophiles and all manner of wicked that men do was sought to be made legal? Homosexuals know they could never convince any intelligent person with an ounce of common sense to support their behaviour, and so like cowardiced bullies they have to try and force everyone to accept their behaviour whether they agree with it or not.

Homosexuals have never been "oppressed." The only thing oppressed was their sexual desire, which should be oppressed. Do you want the zoophiliac acting on his/her desire? Do you want the child molester acting on his/her desire? Just because we have certain desires does not mean that we should give in to them. If the church did her job, this would not be an issue. However, persecution of Christians at the hands of homosexuals, transgenders, and Muslims is merely God's judgment upon Canada for having walked away from His precepts and turning their back on God while giving Him nothing more than lip service. It is time to wake up, church, you slumbering giant, and start doing what you were called to do.

Here is what Canada has come to:
A criminal arrest warrant was put out last week for a Canadian bus driver, a Christian man named Bill Whatcott, for distributing "safe sex" pamphlets which condemned homosexuality — at a gay pride rally. This was apparently a "hate crime."

The 51-year-old has been charged with the "Wilful Promotion of Hatred against an identifiable group, namely the gay community" and faces up to two years behind bars. According to a news release from the Toronto Police Service, Whatcott was arrested in Calgary on June 22 in connection to the "Hate Crime investigation." Whatcott says he drove to the station and turned himself in.

Some 3,000 fliers were distributed during the 2016 Toronto Pride rally. The Toronto Police Service apparently received complaints regarding the "anti-gay material" and an investigation was launched, oddly, some two years later.

According to The Federalist, the "safe sex" pamphlets "stated homosexuality is associated with sexually transmitted diseases, including HPV of the rectum." This, of course, is true, as evidenced by statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. The pamphlets also included criticism of Liberal party politicians, decried "Ontario’s 'perverted sex education curriculum,'" and categorized homosexual activity as sinful, while simultaneously offering salvation for such acts through Christ.

The literature "did not call on anyone to hate homosexuals, or advocate violence, or claim that all homosexuals are pedophiles," notes The Federalist.

The "hate speech" offender says he was "shocked" by the charge. "When they’re looking for you in three provinces, you’re pretty much, you know, bank robbery or murder. ... So I knew it was serious," he said, adding that he told a friend, "This is insane," after learning that the charge had to do with a parade that took place nearly two years ago.

After Whatcott turned himself in at the Calgary station, he says he was deprived of food for 24 hours. "It might have been on purpose, because it didn’t happen, like — some inmates did go half a day without food — but they actually made me go a full 24 hours."

Additionally, Whatcott says he was denied medical attention and medication for a leg injury. "I had a leg infection, and it was bad enough that I was brought to the hospital, but they simply refused to fill the prescriptions. So for four days I had no medications," he explained. "The infection was actually going up my leg. I was a little concerned it was gonna go systemic."

Whatcott has since been fired from his job, apparently without any explanation, and his wife's GoFundMe page has been booted from the site. A new funding page for the family can be accessed here, on GoGetFunding.com.

On Monday, Whatcott was released on bail after agreeing to remove the the fliers from his website. He now faces up to two years behind bars for the "indictable" offense and is expected back in Toronto court on July 23 for a forthcoming trial date, reports The Federalist.