Tuesday, July 31, 2018

You Can't Prove A Negative?

Repeat a lie loud enough, long enough, and often enough, and eventually people will believe it. This is a favourite argument of Atheists these days. They attempt to argue that God does not exist, and when challenged to prove it, they respond fallaciously with, "You can't prove a negative."

But is this true?

No, it is not. We prove negatives all day, every day in our every day life. People who think this is impossible quite obviously do not have degrees in logic. No professor of logic would ever make such a ridiculous claim. Atheists have an aversion to the burden of proof. Because they cannot provide such proof, they attempt to shift the burden of proof.
Negative: I can prove that I don't have 25 eyes.
All I have to do is look in a mirror and count my eyes and I can easily prove that I do not have 25 eyes. I just proved a negative.
Negative: I can prove that my wife is not Kate Beckinsale.
 Very easy to prove this negative.
Negative: I can prove that people who think you can't prove negatives don't have degrees in logic.
Can you prove to me right now that you do not have a Bengal Tiger sitting in your lap? Can you prove to me that you have not lost all your teeth? Can you prove to me that your under garments do not have pictures of Sponge Bob Square Pants on them? Of course you can! If you cannot, then there is something seriously wrong with you.

People who think you cannot prove negatives obviously have no clue what a negative is. They heard one idiot say it, and it sounded like a good argument to them, and so like spoon-fed nonsense-regurgitating parrots, they swallowed this crap hook, line, and sinker. Why? Because they are not "free thinkers" and do not and cannot think for themselves. They have no ability in logic, rationale, or, apparently, common sense.

Some Atheists even attempt to claim that you cannot prove universal negatives. Water is universally known to be made of H2O. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. I can universally prove that there exists no water that is not made out of H2O. If something looked like water, moved like water, but was made out of carbon, then by definition it cannot be water. It is easy to prove universal negatives. How about a square circle? If it is square, it is not a circle. If it is a circle, it is not a square.

Proving negatives is simple and easy. Those who think and believe that you cannot do such have no grasp on logic, let alone possess a degree in logic. Atheists cannot prove that God does not exist because there is far too much evidence to the contrary.