It amuses me the number of people who know absolutely nothing about science who attempt to invoke the name of science as a cover for their pseudo-scientific philosophical religious nonsense. Many of these individuals ignorantly flap their gums in videos they upload on YouTube and in comments they make on social media sites to their own detriment. They invoke the name of science where little to no science actually exists. These people know nothing about what is or is not science, and yet they like to throw the term "science" around like they have any semblance of an idea what they are babbling on about. Many of their so-called "scientific" heroes, such as Richard Dawkins and Bill Nye, know absolutely nothing about science and what is or is not science as well.

The reason these fish are true and accurate is because they are based on reality. Those individuals who choose to willfully remain ignorant in their religious beliefs concerning Evolution still attempt to invoke the name of science as a cover for their fairy tale (a frog turning into a man). Science is based upon that which is testable, observable, and repeatable. If it is not testable, observable, and repeatable, then it is not science; it is outside the realm of science. If it begins and ends at a hypothesis, then it is not science. It is that simple!
Science is filled with numerous unchanging scientific laws, such as the Laws of Thermodynamics. The first law utterly obliterates the theory and belief pertaining to the "Big Bang." The second law utterly obliterates the theory and belief pertaining to "Evolution." There are other scientific laws that destroy these theories and beliefs, too, that I am amazed that any true scientist would attempt to back them knowing what these laws state. To do so makes a contradiction out of these laws.
If you want to remain blind and believe in the fairy tale of Evolution for the reason of man's existence, then you go right ahead and do so. But do not be so ignorant as to attempt to invoke the name of science where zero science exists. You people keep invoking the name of science for your beliefs, but when real science is presented to you, you cannot argue let alone defend your position. Your ultimate answer always ends up as, "I don't know."
For as long as people have attempted to disprove the Bible, you think they would learn better after the many years and numerous times that history, archaeology, and science have proven the Bible's recordings trustworthy and reliable. A book that proves itself that accurate and trustworthy over and over ought to be trusted above all else. But the ignorant never learn. They just keep tying themselves to that railroad track and letting the stupid-train run on over them again and again.
If you have no real science to back up your argument or position, then do not attempt to invoke the name of science, because you will only find that the science opposes your nonsense.