Sunday, April 14, 2019

Trustworthy Women Teachers For Women

Christian women! Are you looking for good, trustworthy, doctrinally-sound women teachers who don't violate 2 Timothy 2:12 and/or 2 Corinthians 6:14ff? Michelle Lesley has done extensive research into many women teachers to determine if they're biblically sound or not. Here's her recommendations:

(Ministries with more than one contributor are listed by ministry name.)

Erin Benziger (Equipping Eve)
Berean Research
Diane Bucknell (Everyday Doxology)
Aimee Byrd (Housewife Theologian/Mortification of Spin)
Pamela Couvrette (Guarding the Deposit)
Laurel Davis (The Reluctant First Lady)
Susan Heck (Women with the Master)
DebbieLynne Kespert (The Outspoken Tulip)
Sharon Lareau (Chapter 3 Ministries)
Debi Martin (Solid Food Ministries)
Marcia Montenegro (Christian Answers for the New Age)
Naomi’s Table
Out of the Ordinary
Martha Peace
Jessica Pickowicz (Beautiful Thing)
Elizabeth Prata (The End Time)
Trish Ramos (Fish With Trish)
Satisfaction Through Christ
Sunny Shell (Abandoned to Christ)
Sola Sisters
Amy Spreeman (The Berean Examiner/Berean Research)
Steak and a Bible
Theology Gals
Jen Thorn (Adorned)
The Verity Fellowship
Rebekah Womble (Wise in His Eyes)
Women’s Hope Project
Women Under Grace

While Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth, Kay Arthur, Jen Wilkin, and Leslie Ludy are not considered false teachers, nevertheless one should approach their stuff with caution as there are a couple red flags with them.

Women she does not endorse or recommend, because they are false teachers, include: Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Lisa Harper, Rebekah Lyons, Raechel Myers, Shauna Niequist, Jennifer Rothschild, Susie Shellenberger, Sheila Walsh, Amanda Bible Williams, Jennie Allen, Lisa Bevere, Rachel Held Evans, Heather Lindsey, Anne Graham Lotz, Kelly Minter, Jen Hatmaker, Lysa TerKeurst, Beth Moore, Christine Caine, Victoria Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shirer, Ann Voskamp, Bobbie Houston, Margaret Feinberg, Bianca Olthoff, Sarah Jakes Robers, Charlotte Gambil, Paula White, Sarah Young, and any individual or church associated with the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). Ministries not endorsed or recommended include She Reads Truth, IF Gathering, Proverbs 31 Ministries, and the Q Conference, among others. You can discover her reasons here: