Saturday, December 28, 2019

Atheists: Loud-mouthed Unbelievers; NOT Scientists

Are you aware that most of the anti-Christian polemicists (famous or not) of the last 200 years, who attempt to use science to justify their unbelief, have never set foot in a laboratory or conducted a single field observation?

That is right, the big mouth atheists on YouTube who attempt to act as if they are any kind of authoritarian on the subject of science, or even religion, have zero scientific or theological training. No credibility. Yet, they are attempting to tell you what "science" has to say, despite the fact that real science utterly destroys their arguments.

Individuals like AronRa and Matt Dillahunty are merely seeking their 15 minutes of fame; 15 minutes of looking like a complete nincompoop flapping their gums about subjects they know nothing about and have never taken the steps to learn anything about. They merely parrot other anti-intellectual know-nothing half-wit nincompoops who went before them and regurgitated the same illogical and asinine nonsense that they are spewing. AronRa and Matt Dillahunty are merely disbelievers. They are not scientists and have never stepped foot in a laboratory or conducted a single field observation. They know nothing about real science, but instead peddle pseudo-science as supposed "science."

Not a single one of these outspoken loud mouths has ever stepped foot in a laboratory or conducted a single field observation: Marquis de Sade (writer), Percy Bysshe Shelley (poet), Friedrich Nietzsche (philologist by training), Algernon Swinburne (poet), Betrand Russell (philosopher), Karl Marx (philosopher), Robert Ingersoll (lecturer), George Bernard Shaw (playwright), Vladimir Lenin (communist revolutionary), Joseph Stalin (communist dictator), H. L. Mencken (newspaper columnist), Jean-Paul Sartre (philosopher), Benito Mussolini (fascist dictator), Luis Buñuel (Spanish filmmaker), Clarence Darrow (lawyer), Ayn Rand (novelist), Christopher Hitchens (journalist), Larry Flynt (pornographer), George Soros and Warren Buffett (investors), and Penn and Teller (magicians). These individuals are merely loud-mouthed atheists. They know absolutely nothing about what is or is not science.

Bill Nye (engineer) has never stepped foot in a laboratory or conducted a single field observation. Like any good actor, he merely played a part as "Science Guy" while knowing absolutely nothing about science. Richard Dawkins is no different. Richard Dawkins studied zoology and philosophy. He is not a scientist. He has never stepped foot in a laboratory or conducted a single field observation. Bill Nye and Richard Dawkins, like AronRa and Matt Dillahunty, are merely loud-mouthed atheists.

All these people think they are intellectuals, but they lack intelligence and the ability to reason and apply simple logic. Logic is an entirely Christian concept. Without the Bible and Christianity, science would not exist. It marched forward because of Christians who believed their Bibles. Everywhere outside of the Christian west, science was stagnant or non-existent. Here is just a small sampling of the many areas of mathematics and science that were founded by Christians.

1.Antiseptic SurgeryJoseph Lister
2.BacteriologyLouis Pasteur
3.CalculusIsaac Newton
4.Celestial MechanicsJohannes Kepler
5.ChemistryRobert Boyle
6.Comparative AnatomyGeorges Cuvier
7.Computer ScienceCharles Babbage
8.Dimensional AnalysisLord Rayleigh
9.DynamicsIsaac Newton
10.ElectronicsJohn Ambrose Fleming
11.ElectrodynamicsJames Clerk Maxwell
12.ElectromagneticsMichael Faraday
13.EnergeticsLord Kelvin
14.EntomologyHenri Fabre
15.Field TheoryMichael Faraday
16.Fluid MechanicsGeorge Stokes
17.Galactic AstronomySir William Herschel
18.Gas DynamicsRobert Boyle
19.GeneticsGregor Mendel
20.Glacial GeologyLouis Agassiz
21.GynecologyJames Simpson
22.HydrographyMatthew Maury
23.HydrostaticsBlaise Pascal
24.IchthyologyLouis Agassiz
25.Isotopic ChemistryWilliam Ramsey
26.Model AnalysisLord Rayleigh
27.Natural HistoryJohn Ray
28.Non-Euclidian GeometryBernard Riemann
29.OceanographyMatthew Maury
30.Optical MineralogyDavid Brewster

Galileo Galilei, a loyal Catholic, was a pioneer physicist. Johannes Kepler, a Lutheran, was an astronomer and physicist. Sir Isaac Newton, a devout Christian, was the founder of modern physics. Rene Descartes, a faithful Catholic, was a mathematician and scientist. Robert Boyle, a devout Christian, was the founder of modern chemistry. Michael Faraday, a Christian, was the inventor of the electric generator and the transformer. Matthew Maury, a Bible-believing Christian, was the founder of modern oceanography. James Prescott Joule, a Christian, authored the first law of thermodynamics (you know, the one that utterly obliterates the "Big Bang" theory"). James Clerk Maxwell, a devout Christian, was a physicist. Lord William Kelvin, a Christian, was a physicist. Werner Karl Heisenberg, a Lutheran, was a physicist. Wernher Von Braun, a Lutheran, was the first director of NASA, a pioneer of space exploration. Albert Einstein (neither an atheist nor a pantheist, but clearly a believer in intelligent design) was a physicist.

All these big mouths on YouTube trying to sound intelligent by parroting and regurgitating the arguments made by the non-scientists I listed earlier, merely exhibit how grand of fools they truly are. It would be like me hopping on YouTube with a background in bakery and trying to tell you the mechanics of an automobile, without having every studied mechanics or having worked on a car.

Real science is easy to see and administer by even a lay person. You pay attention to the world around you. You test, observe, and repeat. If all you do is make up stories out of thin air, like the many concoctions fed to us about dinosaurs (such as those to which they have only ever found two arm bones and three vertebrae), then it is not science. If it merely begins and ends at a hypothesis, then it is not science. In depth science requires you study a field of science for the deeper details, which point to an intelligent designer. Arguing nonsense as "science" that the facts and evidence contradict just makes you look like a court jester; a grand fool.