Wednesday, April 15, 2020

ATTENTION: King James Only People

It is a known fact that the English language evolved from the German language. If you examine Wycliffe's English translation of the Bible from the 1300s, you can see a bit of this in some of the words. However, if you go back earlier than Wycliffe, to the Anglo-Saxon Proto-English, you can really see it. So, let me ask you a question . . .

If the English language did not exist, would the Word of God be preserved anywhere?!? Think hard before you answer.

You see, King James Only individuals like to try and argue that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God. Some King James Only individuals will even argue that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God in the English language, which is a far cry better than those King James Only individuals who basically argue that the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God in the entire world. The former individuals not only disqualify any English translation to come after the King James Bible, but they also disqualify any English translation to come before the King James Bible, which means that God left the world languished and without His preserved Word until the King James translators came along. Absurd, right? The latter individuals disqualify every translation in every language unless it has been translated from the the King James Bible. That is a whole other barrel of monkeys. So before the King James Bible even existed, all these other translations of the biblical manuscripts were not even preserved by God. Utterly ridiculous! If the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God, then answer me this . . .

Why does your King James Bible not contain the Apocrypha? You see, the Apocrypha was a part of the original 1611 King James Bible, which means that if the King James Bible was inspired and is the preserved Word of God, then so too are the Apocrypha. If you reject the Apocrypha, then the King James Bible could only be partially inspired, which means it is partially preserved. If the King James translators were inspired, as some King James Only individuals like to attempt to argue, then why did they include the Apocrypha? So if the translators made a mistake by including the Apocrypha, then how do you know they did not make any other mistakes anywhere else?

Since you King James Only individuals do not seem to have the discernment to figure this out, here are the facts for you to digest. God's Word promised that God would preserve His Word. Tell me, how many copies of the New Testament manuscripts do we have? I say copies because the original autographs no longer exist. There are over 25,000 copies. In other words, God has preserved His Word. Guess what? It has nothing to do with the King James Bible! God's Word is preserved even if the King James Bible did not exist!

If you want to use the King James Bible, that is perfectly fine. It is a good translation. But it is not the only good translation. It has its errors just like every other translation. If you knew anything about language and translation, you would know that it is impossible to translate from one language to another with 100% accuracy. You use the best words available and leave the rest in God's hands.