Sunday, June 14, 2020

Think Your Church Is Doing It Right?

Does your "church" claim to do everything "by the book"?

Does your "church" claim the Bible is their "supreme guide in all matters of faith and practice"?

Does your "church" claim to follow "sola scriptura" ("by the Scripture alone")?

First of all, the church is every single believer. It is not a building. You cannot 'go' to something that you 'are.'

Second, any church that claims that they do everything "by the book," or that the Bible is their "supreme guide in all matters of faith and practice," or that they follow "sola scriptura," if they bothered to examine their liturgy, their order of worship, and compare it to the New Testament model and that of the early Christians, they would find that they have zero points of contact. In fact, if they claim any of the above, in light of the way they conduct their services, it makes them ignorant and deceived at best and liars at worse.

The modern "worship" service has zero to do with the New Testament. It is rooted and steeped in pagan ritual and practice, and varies very little from the Catholic Mass. The only thing that the Reformers did was to correct the poor theology of the Catholic "church." However, they did very little to correct the "worship" service. They changed a tiny fragment, while 95% of it remains the same. If you compare liturgies from various denominations, there is very little difference between them.