Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Zombies and Trolls

Only zombies, trolls, and NPC losers reply TL;DR to factual information they refuse to read in order to be educated and informed as to the truth. They want to deny certain things, but when given information that will refute them once and for all, they are too lazy and ignorant to bother reading it. They do not want to be proven wrong, and they want even less to admit they are wrong.

"The zombies and the trolls aren't very bright, and they're unable to see the big picture; they're not bright enough to see things in perspective. They don't believe that anyone could tell such big lies. The zombies and the trolls have never been properly educated; they're content to believe what they're told or what they read on [a bathroom] wall. They're incapable of thinking for themselves. Actually, they're incapable of thinking at all. Bright folk can see through the lies and they can understand what's happening.

"The zombies and trolls have a sense of entitlement that closes their eyes to the world around them.

"Many zombies and trolls don't have friends or contacts, they have followers and fans. If a troll comes across someone with a point of view that differs from their own, their only response is to resort to abuse and a sense of outrage that someone should hold another point of view.

"Male zombies and trolls tend to be effeminate and stupid, while female zombies and trolls tend to be stupid, confused, irritable, and sulky.

"There are millions of zombies and trolls around because they're naive, gullible, poorly educated, unintelligent, immature and self-important, but ultimately terrified of authority."

Dr. Vernon Coleman

The zombies, trolls, and NPCs never argue the main point; they never have a legitimate refutation; and they never have an intelligent counterargument. All the zombies and trolls ever do is respond with fallacious arguments that have no basis in reality, deflection, projection, ad hominem, and name calling.