Friday, April 01, 2022

The Debate That Will Never Take Place

Such a debate will never take place because they are not interested in the actual science. I will reiterate Richard Feynman's quote:

If you're not making mistakes, you're doing it wrong.
If you're not correcting those mistakes, you're doing it really wrong.
If you can't accept that you're mistaken, you're not doing it at all.

Public Health Reports - CDC Document from January 10, 1919

Can A Virus Cause Disease? - 6 minute video

You Can't Catch A Virus - 11 minute video (Tom Barnett)

Virology Debunks Corona - 2 minute video; Excellent Presentation

ZERO Evidence That COVID Fulfills Koch's 4 Germ Theory Postulates - 1 minute video (Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji)

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines | Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious - Article 

About Viruses and It's Not What You Think It Is - 7 minute video (Amanda Vollmer)

Debunking the Germ Theory - 11 minute video

Quotes Refuting Germ Theory - 10 minute video

The Only Way To Get A Virus Is To Be Injected With It - 34 minute video (Aajonus Vonderplanitz)

The Infectious Myth - 58 minute video (Andrew Kaufman w/ host David Crowe)

Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" - Article 

The Measles Myth - 14 minute video (Dr. Sam Bailey)