Saturday, June 11, 2022

Disgraced Hillsong Churches

"For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in bright clothes, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the bright clothes, and say, "You sit here in a good place," and you say to the poor man, "You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool," have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?" James 2:2-4

Hillsong churches (or any other church for that matter) having VIP seats reserved at the front for celebrities is precisely what this verse is dealing with (at the 7:30 mark in the link at the bottom). Selling your merchandise at the back of the church (at the 32:28 mark in the link at the bottom) is precisely why Jesus drove the moneymakers out of the Temple— twice. Clearly these people have never bothered to actually read, let alone pay attention to, their Bibles. They merely gloss over the words, looking for that which they can twist to their advantage and manipulate people with.

Churches having private back stage rooms? Preachers having stylists and wearing expensive brand names? Flying around in private jets and being chauffeured around? Being inaccessible to people? People who work for you not being allowed to look at you or speak to you? Does any of this sound "Christian" in the least?!? If you cannot see a problem with any of this, then you have some serious issues of your own and have been thoroughly brainwashed by false teachings. You clearly know nothing about God, the Bible, or Christianity, and you are in of an encounter, if not a fresh encounter, with the living God. You are quite possibly just another worldling pretending to be, or deceived into thinking, you are an actual Christian.

While I cannot remember where I shared it, I have previously addressed the Hillsong scandal at their women's conference where a dude known as The Naked Cowboy came out on stage and sang, and the supposedly "Christian" women there acted as if they were at a strip joint. More evidence that most these members have no clue what it means to actually be a Christian, a follower of the Lord Jesus. It never even dawned on them that such behaviour was inconsistent with Christianity and claims of faith. If you can joke about or laugh at sin, there is something severely wrong with you. You clearly have not encountered the living God.

99% of all mega churches are sewers led by false teaching rats, filled with false converts who have either been manipulated by their feelings and brainwashed by false teachings or want an easy in without having to actually obey anything that Jesus said. In other words, they want to have their cake and eat it, too. The scandals involving Carl Lentz, Brian Huston, and other Hillsong preachers are not surprising considering they are all greedy rats. Eventually they get exposed. But do the people under them ever learn their lesson? Rarely. They just continue on with the next false teacher feeding them lies. Carl Lentz proved he was not a "Christian" when he would not say that Scientology was bogus nonsense, but instead ignorantly mocked miracles in the Bible that he clearly does not understand. People need to pay close attention to what comes out of these people's mouths.

Read your Bibles, people!!! That way, when the next false teacher eisegetically brandishing the verse about not speaking against God's anointed attempts to tell you that God said he was supposed to have sex with your children from 13 through 18, you can call him out and expose him, and if the other brainwashed cult members see you as an enemy, you can flee that synagogue of Satan. These people get away with so much because the assembly are ignorant. Know your Bible, and be wise, understanding, and discerning.