Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Amazing 13-Year Time Travel!

Yuxiang W and others, “RNase-Resistant Virus-Like Particles Containing Long Chimeric RNA Sequences Produced by Two-Plasmid Coexpression System,” Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2007, DOI: 10.1128/JCM.02248.

Under Figure 3 of the study we find these words:

“Lane 1, positive control of pET-MS2-3V plasmid using the primers S-SARS1 and HA300RT-A; lane 2, RT-PCR of SARS-Cov! Plus SARS-CoV2 plus SARS-Cov3 plus HCV+HA300...”

Okay... Who provided the time machine for these guys? Take note of the publication date of this paper: 2007! How could they have genetic sequences for SARS-CoV-2 13 years before the “pandemic” actually occurred? Moreover, how could they have genetic sequences for SARS-CoV-3, something we have never even heard of?!?

This supports everything shared by David Martin in his various videos (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gsDlHprql-g). Since you cannot patent nature, and SARS-CoV-1, CoV-2, and CoV-3 are patented, it is irrefutable evidence that they are man-made—they do not occur in nature! There is nothing “novel” about SARS as it is 22 years old!

You would think this enough to convince all the nay-sayer clowns out there who desperately want to believe that “viruses” are “contagious” and cause diseases, but, alas, their ignorance appears monumental and insurmountable. You can lead a man to evidence, but you cannot make him think!

No “virus” ever has been demonstrated and proven to exist (producing a purified isolate thereof), let alone to spread from person to person. Contagion is a myth believed by the ignorant and superstitious! Legitimate science does not support such nonsense! Not even traditional Chinese and Ayurveda (practiced in India and Nepal) medicines, the oldest healing systems known to us, entertain the concept of “contagion”; they looked at imbalances, diets, and toxins as causes of disease. An in-depth look at the scientific literature reveals no proof to support the contagion theory. However, alternate explanations for so-called “bacterial” and “viral” illness do have legitimate scientific research behind them.

While measles exist, following events where Stefan Lanka offered 100,000 euros to anyone who could supply proof that the “measles virus” exists, the German Federal Supreme Court was forced to rule that no such “virus” exists. This raises the question, What have billions of people worldwide actually been injected with over the decades? Because it certainly was not a “vaccine” against measles.

Here is how the superstition of “modern” medicine using smoke and mirrors actually works:

“We have never isolated, purified, or characterized a single ‘virus,’ or proven that one is the actual cause of any disease. So, you will just have to trust us that they exist and are ‘contagious.’”

“We know that the ‘virus’ infects and kills humans even though we have never tested the ‘virus’ on humans because that would be unethical. Therefore, we do our testing on animals, even though when we test animals they do not get sick, because they are not proper ‘hosts’ for the ‘virus.’ So, you will just have to trust us.”