Friday, December 23, 2022

Do You Believe Jesus?

"For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions." —Jesus, Matthew 6:14-15

This is absolutely true! Some professing believers claim it is not and that we are already forgiven and that it matters not what we do now. That is a lie straight from the pit of Hell! They attempt to pit other passages against this one by use of proof text methodology, and then attempt to explain it away. Jesus, Who is God, said it; He said what He meant and meant what He said. Such professing believers are denying Jesus' words and claiming He was wrong.

I suggest you watch your step with such assertions; you are standing on thin ice.

No, Jesus was not being "extreme" here. This is often people's response when they do not like what Jesus had to say, especially when it conflicts with their personal theology. Rather than let go of their theology as being in the wrong, they put Jesus in the wrong. This is an excellent example that demonstrates how professing believers' claim of Scripture being their ultimate authority is false. They filter God's Word through something else, such as their personal theological views.

Do you have faith in Jesus, or in the theology taught to you by your organized religious institution falsely called a "church"? (The Church is the people; you cannot "go to" something that you are!) When it comes down to a conflict between your "church's" theology and Jesus, whose side will you choose? Who is necessarily correct?

Our faith is in Jesusnot in some theological "truths" about Jesus (which amount to mental assent). At least it is supposed to be. But most professing believers have their faith placed in their theological dogma rather than in Jesus. They think God is more concerned with their theological dogma than with the fruit they produce, and that simply is not true.

If we are going to call ourselves followers of Jesus, then we had best believe the things He said. Otherwise, our faith is not in Jesus but in a set of beliefs taught to us by the opinions of men borne from proof text methodology. If Jesus' words say one thing, and the opinions of men say another, the opinions of men are wrong, no matter how "godly" the person speaking may appear or present themselves.

When the Bible says something, do we believe it? All Scripture is God-breathed, not of any private interpretation. When God spoke through His vessels, did He say what He meant and mean what He said? Or did He just mumble a bunch of nonsense for the sake of hearing Himself speak? Ponder that point promptly, because it will reveal a great deal about your position in Christ.

When Scripture says, "Resist the Devil and he will flee," do you believe it? Do you accept it as true?When Scripture says, "Consider yourselves DEAD to sin," do you believe it? Do you accept it as true?When Scripture says, "If you walk in the Spirit you will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh," do you believe it? Do you accept it as true?
When Scripture says, "If you practice these things, you will NEVER stumble," do you believe it? Do you accept it as true?
When Scripture says, "God is able to keep you from stumbling," do you believe it? Do you accept it as true?

There are many more statements I could refer to, but the point is clear. They either mean what they say and say what they mean, or they do not. You either believe them, or you do not. If you do not believe what they say, then you do not trust in Jesus. Period. You are essentially calling Him a liar, saying that He was wrong. Think about that!

Make sure you are a believer in Jesus and not a believer in "Christian" theology! Your personal theological dogma will not save you; but Jesus will!