Thursday, January 5, 2023


So many Christians are either delusional or deceptive or both. Do they not understand the terms "non-profit" or "not-for-profit"? If your "ministry" or company makes any kind of money, it is not a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" organization! If you call your organization a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" and yet it files tax returns, it is not a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" organization! If the people working at your organization, who are supposed to be volunteers, are getting paid, then your organization is not a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit." Non-profit and not-for-profit means you are not turning any kind of profit!!! 

Organized religious institutions that use tax-exempt forms and bank loans are legally considered organizations—businesses! They are making a profit and are trying to hide it. They are being deceptive, and not at all like Christ Jesus! When you have a "bottom line" and are making a profit (money that should be used for missions or for taking care of the widows, orphans, sick, poor, and imprisoned), you are an organization—a business! If the people working at your organized religious institution, who are supposed to be volunteers serving the people (the "pastor," the "elders," or the staff), are getting paid, then you are an organization—a business!

Non-profit or Not-for-profit means that you are not seeking to or producing a profit (a financial gain); that you are not commercially motivated. Selling books by your "pastor" or other members of your religious institution inside the building is commercial motivation, and is what Jesus drove the Jews out of the temple for. Non-profit or not-for-profit organizations do not earn profits for their owners. All of the money earned by or donated to a non-profit or not-for-profit organization is supposed to be used in pursuing the organization’s objectives and keeping it running; income is not distributed to the group’s members, directors, or officers (i.e., nothing goes to the "pastor" or the "elders" or anyone else). Donations received by a biblical church are to go to help widows, orphans, poor, sick, and imprisoned. It is to help provide basic needs for those struggling.

Oh, if there were not so many deceived and deceptive, lying "Christians" out there sullying the name of Christ Jesus. When you act one way on Sunday and run your business affairs with cheating scales the next six days of the week, you might want to reconsider calling yourself a "Christian"! You may be religious, but you certainly are not an obedient follower of King Jesus!