Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Remove Tax Exempt Status From Churches!

Remove tax exempt status from so-called "churches"! When you use tax-exempt forms and apply for bank loans, you are literally and legally considered organizations—businesses!

Biblical congregations are already tax exempt. They do not need the government's approval, nor do they need to file tax returns. Money that is received through giving to a biblical congregation will be redistributed to widows, orphans, poor, sick, and imprisoned the way Jesus commanded. Not hoarded by the "church." Giving is not meant for a "church budget," to support a building, or to pay a preacher or other "staff." These are businesses, and not "churches"!

Nowhere does the Bible, or even the early Church (AD 90-300), teach you to do what modern organized religious institutions are doing. The Bible tells us that when we give, we are to look after the widows, orphans, poor, sick, and imprisoned.

"Tithing" is an Old Testament practice and has nothing to do with money. It was basically their taxation system. Every preacher engages in proof text methodology and eisegesis by twisting random isolated verses they have ripped from their immediate context to fleece the flock and claim you are "supposed to" give to support a "church budget," the building costs, or paying the preacher or other "staff."

Read 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 in context and see for yourself what it actually says. It does not say the collection was money. If you ass-u-me it was, it was not going to Paul's pocket, not going to a preacher's pocket, and not going to the local congregation! So where was it going?

It was being sent to the congregation in Jerusalem who were suffering through a famine and enduring through the persecution of the Jews! Your New Testament giving is to support widows, orphans, poor, sick, and imprisoned! Not a building nor a preacher! The early Church (AD 90-300) considered it HERESY for someone to be paid for the Gospel!

Learn the truth: https://getbook.at/TruthAboutTithing

Start obeying Jesus' commands!