What in the world is wrong with Christianity these days? Or perhaps I should put that in quotations: "Christianity". I have been encountering numerous stories (usually testimonies) of "Christians" engaging in threesomes, foursomes, wife swapping, etc. The first story I heard of this sort of thing happening was over 5 years ago in a "church" in the USA. I cannot remember now if it was two or three couples that were involved, but they were deacons in their "church" and they would toss their keys into a bowl and whoever's keys you pulled out is who you went home with that night. This went on for well over a year. Then one of the couples heard a sermon somewhere and discovered that they were not actually saved.
Recently, I discovered that a non-denominational congregation I used to attend had a couple who engaged in this sort of behaviour. What other members, and how many, had partaken in this behaviour with them? How does such a conversation even come up?!?!? This is as shocking for me to hear as it is to hear of a relative of mine having been raised in a Christian home, educated in Christian schools, attended Bible college, and then out of the blue decided to pretend to be the opposite gender/sex.
I know another "church" in my area, of Baptist denomination, where a friend of one of its members was invited to attend, without being saved, and this guy slept with several of the single women and single mothers who attended there regularly. I have heard similar stories from across North America. It even happens in Europe and South America.
This sort of thing is not just happening in one particular denomination, but happens across all of them.
I can kind of understand how someone might engage in such behaviour and involve heathen individuals, but how in the world do they involve other professing believers? How would you even raise such an issue in conversation?!? What would you do if that conversation went south? Pretend you were only "joking"?
This just blows my mind! Obviously porn is a contributing factor to all of this.
Maybe these preachers need to start actually preaching the Word of Yahweh instead of providing excuses for people's willful practices of sin. Maybe they need to confront these people's sin head on and inform them that they will spend eternity separated from Yahweh if they do not overcome and kill these sins in their lives.
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God."