The only way the Pangaea Theory of imaginary nonsense works is if every continent is a giant land mass floating on top of the water. Tectonic plates or not, they cannot move from the fairy tale image of Pangaea to their current location. Anyone with a functioning brain who looks at maps of the ocean floor can see such a concept is impossible.
They hate Yahweh God so much and want to eliminate Him that they make up imaginary fictional nonsense like this and call it "science" without a shred of scientific evidence to back it up, and teach it to children to brainwash them. If you are going to believe in the Big Bang, Evolution, and Pangaea, you might as well believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus.

These clowns clearly do not understand how plates work. They can move up and down and side to side. They cannot overlap each other. That would create giant gaping holes in the surface! Imagine an egg with its shell cracked to match Earth's plates. Pick a piece and slide it into and over another piece. Uh oh! See the problem? People need to start using critical thinking. Just because they call something "science" does not make it science. Science follows the scientific method. If they cannot perform that process, it is not science!
Furthermore, did the plates magically change location between Pangaea and present day? Look at a map and note the plates. Now try to keep those plates exact as you mash it together to form Pangaea. Hmm... Problems, problems, problems.

Here you go! Maintain these tectonic plate sizes as you attempt to form Pangaea. This is as believable as the Earth once being a giant hot molten ball that somehow developed its own hydrologic cycle and then magically had single-celled organisms appear in the water to evolve into everything (animal, vegetable, and mineral) we see on the planet. It takes more faith to be an atheist and believe in evolution than it requires to believe in an Almighty Creator.

Use that God-given brain of yours and allow it to function the way it is intended. Look at the amount of the tectonic plate you would have to eliminate in order for South America and Africa to become one. If this matter did not exist with Pangaea, where did it come from for the current state? You cannot just add plate matter. It frustrates me how people can be so brain dead.