Monday, May 20, 2019

Attention Women Pastors/Elders!!!

Any woman who serves as a pastor/preacher or elder is in direct violation of God's Word! Particularly 1 Timothy 2:11-14, 1 Corinthians 14:33b-38, and 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

If you attempt to argue that Paul was a chauvinist, then you are saying that God Himself is a chauvinist because the Holy Spirit inspired Paul as to what he should write, which makes Paul's words God's words. In other words, you have a problem with God and His ruling.

If you attempt to argue that that was for back then, but not for today, then you testify to the fact that you are ignorant and do not know God or Who God is because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. What He said back then still stands today. God has given us specific roles within the family and within the body—the church, and women are not allowed to be pastors/preachers or elders in a congregation or to exercise authority over a man to teach him.

Yes, God has given women specific gifts to exercise, and they should use them in accordance with their role and gifting. A woman does not need to be a pastor/elder in order to exercise the gifts the Holy Spirit has bestowed upon her. The office of pastor/elder is for men and men alone. Women are allowed to be deacons, as Phoebe was (a servant to the church), but they are not allowed to be pastors/elders.

Any woman who holds such an office is in direct disobedience to God's Word and rebellion against Christ Jesus.

Women in pastoral/elder positions...

God created you. God is sovereign over you. God has intentions for your life and expressed some of those intentions. Your life does not belong to you. You do not get to do whatever you want to do with it. You were created in order to glorify Him. You glorify Him by being obedient to His will, His intentions, and His Word. To go against His will and intentions is an eternal issue with severe consequences. To go against His will and intentions is a direct attack on the wisdom of God. You are saying that you know better than God and that you are wiser than God. You will only find joy in the will of God. God said that women are not allowed to exercise authority over a man to teach him, nor are they to be pastors/preachers or elders. This role and responsibility God gave to men.

Many of you women, if Christ Jesus were standing in your presence, you would not submit to Him or His authority. This demonstrates what your heart is like and what is in your heart. You need to repent. May God give you the grace to do so joyfully and humbly.