Saturday, May 18, 2019

You Don't Get Into Heaven For Being Straight

You don't get into Heaven for being straight (heterosexual).

Let's see if we can clarify that statement.

Obeying God's original heterosexual design for man and woman will not get you into Heaven. Why do I say this? While homosexuality is a sin that goes against God's creation and purpose, there are some out there who actually think their heterosexuality will get them into Heaven. Sorry, but all your obedience and all your good works are like a menstruation rag in the sight of God Almighty. Your heterosexuality amounts for absolutely nothing. There is only one thing that can get you into Heaven—Jesus.

With that said, you are for sure not getting into Heaven if you're purposefully and habitually practicing the sin of homosexuality (or any other sin). By embracing it and living it out, you are living in direct defiance to God, His Word, and His creation purpose for man and woman. Unless you repent of your sin of homosexuality (stop doing it, turn 180 degrees, and start doing what God demands of you), as you must with all other sinful practices, you will perish and spend eternity in Hell separated from the presence of God.

God created man. He said it was not good for man to be alone. In creating a partner for man, He did not create another of the same kind. He created the opposite kind, so that man and woman might be paired together. He then stated that man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. This goes for every man and woman out there. He then gave His mandate to be fruitful and multiply, something homosexuality will never be able to fulfill.

God created us. He is sovereign over us. He has intentions for our lives. Our lives do not belong to ourselves. We do not get to do whatever we want to do with our bodies. They were created in order to glorify Him. We glorify Him with our bodies in the way that He prescribed them to be. If you're a man, it's because God created you to be a man. If you're a woman, it's because God created you to be a woman. To try and be something you're not is to go against Him, which is an eternal issue that has severe consequences. By trying to do so, you are directly attacking the wisdom of God. You will only find joy in the will of God. By pursuing homosexuality and transgenderism, you are not only disobeying the will of God, but you will never find joy in them. Doing evil for the sake of doing evil brings temporary fulfillment, but never satisfies.

Even in places like San Francisco, one of the most tolerant and accepting places for homosexuality and transgenderism, the suicide rate of transgenders is still skyrocketing. Why? Because they know intrinsically that something is wrong; that they are not who and what they are pretending to be. If I pretend to be a dolphin and "identify" myself as a dolphin, it does not change the reality that I'm a human being. Even if the entire world approved of and accepted their perverse and twisted practice, they would not be happy because their conscience would continuously remind them that what they're doing is not proper.

You are who God created you to be. If you were just "being yourself," as you claim to be doing, then you would be accepting yourself in the precise way God created you. If you are a man, then "being yourself" requires you to be a man and pursue women for relational completion. If you are a woman, then "being yourself" requires you to be a woman and pursue men for relational completion. God created you to be who He created you to be, and He did not make a mistake in doing so. God created you man or woman. His purpose for man and woman is monogamous heterosexuality. Anything outside of this, that goes against this, is sin—it is evil.

Repent and trust the Saviour who saves from all sin!