by Thomas Watson
Assurance is a consequent of sanctification;
sanctification is the seed — assurance is the flower. But, as a letter
may be written, and yet not sealed — so grace may be written in the
heart, yet the Spirit may not have applied the seal of assurance.
True assurance is built on a Scriptural basis, Isaiah
32:17. The seed of righteousness is sown in the soul, and this seed
brings forth the harvest of assurance. But presumption is like a
will without seal or witnesses; presumption lacks both the witness of
the Word and the seal of the Spirit.
As the sun, reflecting its beams on a burning-glass,
causes the glass to burn whatever is near it — so assurance, which is
God shining on the soul, makes it burn in love to God.
Assurance drops sweetness into every earthly comfort;
for while sin embitters, and is like drinking a cup filled with wormwood
— assurance sweetens every morsel, and a dinner of herbs with the
assurance of God's love is princely fare.
Assurance works out contentment, it rocks the heart
quiet. It is the saint's portion, and Heaven is his haven.
When grace is engraved on the heart, wait awhile, and
there will be the sunshine of assurance. Whom God kisses — he crowns!
Assurance is the first fruits of Paradise — but it is often kept to
sweeten the bitter cup of death.
Faith may be strongest, when assurance is weakest.
The woman of Canaan had no assurance — but she had glorious faith.
Assurance should be an antidote to trouble. What
though there is but little oil in the cruse — you are rich in assurance.
How sweetly does the bird sing that knows not where to pick up
the next crumb! And shall they be discontented who have God's Word to
assure them of daily bread, and his love to assure them of Heaven?
Keep faith upon the wing; it is the grace in active
exercise, which ascends to assurance.
Keep assurance by humility; pride estranges God from
the soul. The jewel of assurance, is best kept in the cabinet of an
humble heart.
Assurance and fear are different but not contrary; a
child may have assurance of his father's love — yet be afraid of
offending him. Who more fearful of sin, than the apostle Paul — yet who
had stronger assurance? "Who loved me, and gave himself for me."
Faith procures assurance, fear preserves it.
The godly fear — and sin not.
The wicked sin — and fear not!
The wicked sin — and fear not!
Assurance establishes the Christian in troublous
times; he is the likeliest to bear witness to the truth — who has the
Spirit of God bearing witness to his heart. Let there be much diligence,
much prayer, much holy confidence — and these, like oil, will make the
lamp of assurance shine steadily and brightly.