Sunday, February 02, 2014

God is NOT Your Alibi

"Christianity is not simply adhering to a list of dos and don'ts, and a statement saying you believe in Jesus. Salvation is a supernatural act of God, and it changes us." -Pastor Jake Klassen

Yet, this is what the majority of people who call themselves "Christians" think. "If I make a profession of Jesus and live by a specific code of ethics, I'll be okay come the day I die." Sorry, but this is false. Do you know what your profession of faith, your profession of Jesus, amounts to? Examine Matthew 7:21-23. These people made a profession and Jesus declared He "never knew" them. These people were two of the soils that Jesus declared were false converts who never belonged to His flock to begin with.

Christianity, or religion, to the majority of people professing to be "Christian" is something you do on demand; it is a mask you wear to hide. When you walk through those church doors on Sunday morning (and/or Sunday evening, or any other time), you need to put your religion on. If somebody from the church comes over to visit, you quickly put your religion on. If you happen to run into somebody from the church while you are out doing something, you need to quickly put your religion on. It is all a show you put on to try and impress others into thinking you are righteous when you are anything but.

For a true, genuine, born again believer, you are a Christian FIRSTbefore you are anything else: you are a Christian before you are a husband/wife; you are a Christian before you are a father/mother; you are a Christian before you are a brother/sister; you are a Christian before you are a son/daughter; you are a Christian before you are a boss; you are a Christian before you are an employee; you are a Christian before you are a musician, etc. Your Christianity had better inform your worldview and how you behave, and it had best be visible; not as a mask that you wear on demand in order to try and impress others (who may or may not be genuine Christians themselves), but as something you are at every moment of every day in everything you do.

Too many individuals are one-day-a-week "Christians." They only encounter Jesus on Sunday morning; He never comes home with them, He never goes to work with them, He never goes to the grocery store with them, etc. Their "Christianity" does not inform anything else in their life. Christianity to the majority of those people who profess to be "Christians" is merely a philosophy, an ideology, or a set of ethical principles. Christianity should permeate and saturate your entire life and being. People should be able to watch/listen to you and know you are a Christian. If people lived according to what the Bible says about a Christian, there would be little doubt in anyone's mind as to the fact that they belonged to Christ Jesus.

Some of these people may in fact believe, but they use religion to deceive. For the true, genuine, born again believer, everything about them is sincere. For those who pretend to be religious, using Christianity as a crutch... God is NOT your alibi!