Tuesday, September 05, 2017


Whenever I tell other Christians that I can tolerate brief nudity in a movie, but cannot stand when it it shown repeatedly or for extended periods of time, they attempt to treat me as if I am prudish. They fail to realize that if anyone has a problem here, it is themselves. If you were to go back to the early and mid 1900s, it would have been obscene for Christians to watch a movie where the woman paraded around in her nightgown, let alone her undergarments. But nowadays you have Christians attempting to defend the use of nudity in films, even trying to justify vast amounts of it. (This goes for TV shows as well.)

The problem is, these Christians, if they are truly Christians at all and not just vain professors, have become desensitized. They have no concept of morality. Their moral compass is broken. They fail to grasp the concept that "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled" (Heb. 13:4). Whether watching nudity in films and television or watching porn, you might as well be a peeping Tom as you are looking into the bedroom of other individuals. What do you not grasp about "do not uncover the nakedness" of people who are not your spouse?

The strange people here are not people like myself, it is those who have been desensitized to nudity and porn. I think it first starts with an ignorance that attempts to try and label some of it as "art." That is like saying if I defecate on a canvas and etch a smiley face in it, that it is art. Sorry, but, no, it is not! We live in a world that is increasingly growing desensitized to all sorts of wickedness, attempting to justify it, and coming to its rescue by labeling good bad and bad good. You see this with Social Justice idiots who have no clue what "justice" actually is. In fact, their behaviour and tactics are usually in contradiction to both moral and legal justice.

Desensitization is not a good thing, people. If someone can get mugged, raped, or murdered standing right beside you and you do not even bat an eye, or try to lend a hand, this is a horrific thing. It demonstrates how apathetic and selfish you are. When two people can be engaged in fornication in the open streets or in public areas, while families with children pass by, and this does not phase you, it demonstrates how morally depraved you are. It demonstrates how morally depraved the people committing it are seeing as how they have no care in the world that young children could be seeing it. And then you have brainless idiots who attempt to defend it with stupid sentiments like, "Well, they have to learn about it at some point." If that is true, why not sit your children down in your bedroom while you and your significant other get it on? Use your head, people!

It amazes me how people try and rationalize complete and utter perversion. It sickens me how people who claim to be "Christians," who quite evidently are not, try to defend it and even watch the same kind of trash. A Christian has no business watching such TV shows as Spartacus, True Blood, Game of Thrones, Lost Girl, Bitten, etc., etc., etc. Garbage in, garbage out, people. If you think there is nothing wrong with such shows, then you should be able to pray this prayer over them:
"Dear Lord, we invite You to come join us in this time of viewing. As Your children, we commit this time to You as worthy of our attention. May our family be uplifted by this hour before the screen. And, Lord, we pray that families everywhere would have the opportunity to do likewise. We thank You for providing this program for us, and we ask You to bless the men and women who produced this show and those who made it available. May they have Your blessings to do more of the same. In Jesus' name, we thank You, Amen."
That prayer just exposes you for the hypocrite and liar that you are, parading around pretending to be a follower of Christ Jesus when your words, actions, and character are in complete contradiction to Jesus' words and the entire New Testament pertaining to how a Christian looks and acts. Yes, there are some genuine Christians who are deceived, and that is because they have been desensitized to reality. But it is the ones who try to fight morality and justify the perversion they are watching who are questionable as to their claim of faith, because Jesus would never condone what they are watching. You are the odd one out here, not me, and not other people like me.