Monday, September 04, 2017

You Do Not Need A Degree To Be A Scientist

"I don't discount the layperson even, studying this thoroughly and having a good mind to analyze the information. You don't have to be a PhD to understand the basics of the situation." —Dr. Patrick Moore, PhD in Ecology
Here is an intelligent scientist. You do not need a degree in some field of science in order to discern science and make judgments on certain falsified claims. I get ignorant individuals frequently asking me if I have a degree in science. These people are under the false impression that you have to have a degree in anything to know anything about it, and that is just plain false. Anyone with a shred of intelligence who can think for themselves and analyze the information being given them can spot fallacies and lies that do not add up to reality. As I have said before, society has been brainwashed to believe that people with 4.0 GPAs and the entire alphabet behind their name should not be questioned because they obviously know what they are talking about. No, they do not. All any of that means is that they grasped the information that was taught to them, right or wrong, and were able to parrot it back on tests and exams. It does not mean they have a sweet clue as to what they are doing or talking about.

I challenge scientific claims regularly, and some of the people I talk to, refusing to accept the facts and evidences I challenge them with, resort to this mind-numbing foolery: "What kind of degree do you have in science?" A degree does not make you a scientist. Anyone who tests and observes the world around them and repeats the process is a scientist. Just like you do not need a degree to be a theologian. Everyone is a theologian; the only question is whether their theology is correct. Whatever you believe about God, that is your theology, which makes you a theologian. It does not make you a good theologian, but you are a theologian nonetheless.

When you pay attention to the laws that govern our universe, and actual science that you can test, observe, and repeat, and apply simply mathematics to that observable science, it begins to poke holes in the pseudo-science that evolutionists want to impose upon us. Evolutionists think everyone is an idiot like them and attempt to teach us lies that simply are not backed by actual science. I have given several examples of this in the past, such as stalagmites, stalactites, petrification, etc., etc. Our science text books claim that these take "millions" of year to happen, yet we have evidence that this is not the case. Cowboy boots did not exist millions of years ago, so how is it that we have found one petrified?

I have given many examples of false science in some of my articles, correcting it with logical science. I do not need a degree in science to be able to do this. All I need is an intelligent mind that can read and reason with the facts of reality. When something does not add up, I can say, "Wait a minute...," and point out the flaws in logic and reasoning. When some idiot claims that 99% of the Earth's gold is contained in its core, I can challenge their unscientific nonsense by asking if they have ever been to the core (if one even exists) and if they have seen all this supposed gold. Nobody has ever been past the crust, so nobody knows what the Earth is made of. There is no evidence to support the four layers. It is all hypothesis. There is no model they can use to even make an estimated guess as to what the cross-section of the Earth might actually look like, and doing so is not science. Science is experimentation and observation. If you cannot test and observe it, then it is not science. Period!

Patrick understands that even a layperson with an intelligent mind can make judgment calls on what is claimed to be science. When scientists claim that Tyrannosaurus Rex could not see you if you stood still, how do they know? Have they ever found a fresh eye to do tests on to see whether it could detect you when not moving? No! It is all made up hogwash. It is not scientific in the least. Most the crap they feed you pertaining to dinosaurs is fairy tales. There is no evidence. They assume because it had sharp teeth that it was a meat eater. Pandas have sharp teeth and only eat bamboo. Pigs have flat teeth and eat meat. Their anecdotes lack any genuine science and just jump to ridiculous conclusions. We, if we are intelligent, need to spot these assumptions and call them to task on it, holding them accountable for the lies they are attempting to teach our children.

You do not need a degree in order to understand, dissect, discern, and judge scientific claims. All you need is a working brain that can reason and understands logic. Opinions are like balloons; facts are like needles to balloons. Opinions will never trump facts, no matter how many people believe it. Science is not a consensus, and consensus is not science.