Saturday, September 29, 2018

Choice Quotes from Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The tragedy of sin, is that it affects man in his highest faculties.
Sin causes us to become fools, and behave in an irrational manner.
Modern man, far from being ruled by reason, is ruled by lust and passion.

The man who refuses to face the fact of his own death, is a fool!

The more Christian a person is, the simpler will that person's life be.

I'd rather hobble into Heaven, than walk into Hell!

God is nowhere more hidden, than in most churches!

Some tend to think that Christianity is a matter of being nice.
But niceness is purely biological. One dog is nicer than another dog!

We must never parade ourselves!

Do you think that you deserve forgiveness? If you do, you are not a Christian.

When a man truly sees himself, he knows that nobody can say anything about him that is too bad.

The trouble with man is not intellectualbut moral.

If you claim to love Christ and yet are living an unholy life, there is only one thing to say about you: You are a bare-faced liar!

To divorce forgiveness of sins from the actual living of the Christian life, is nothing but rank heresy!

Christians are generally at their best, when they are in the furnace of affliction and being persecuted and tried.

If you are not holy, you are not a Christian.

There are no shortcuts in the Christian lifeno simple remedies.

Nothing we do in the Christian life, is harder than prayer.

The state of the world today, is nothing but an appalling monument to human failure.

Intellectual pride is the last citadel of self.

We have come to realize that a man can be educated and cultured, and still be a beast!

The biggest hoax in the world for the last 150 years, has been the theory of evolution!

The natural man is always looking at himself and admiring himself.

I would rather make bricks without strawthan try to live the Sermon on the Mount in my own strength.

No difficulty in believing the gospel is intellectualit is always moral.

The whole trouble in life, is ultimately a concern about self.

A man is not a Christian unless he can say with Paul, "I am what I am by the grace of God!"

Many who go to the psychiatrist are like the woman in the Gospelsthey are nothing bettered, but rather grow worse!

There is little difference between a fashion parade, and a dog show!

By definition, a Christian should be an enigma to every person who is not a Christian.

The first sign of spiritual life, is to feel that you are dead!