Monday, February 18, 2019

Gender Stereotypes (Reinforced by Transgenders)

Why is it that in 2019, people who do not think they fit the "typical stereotype" of a male or female, somehow think there is something wrong with them and that maybe they are or ought to be gay or that they are or ought to be the opposite sex (or something altogether different and imaginary)? For all the years that people have been trying to do away with stereotypes (even though quite often there is a great deal of truth behind them), it seems that society has run itself upon the rocks and become more stereotypical. And, interestingly enough, the ones who are largely responsible for reinforcing these stereotypes are homosexuals and transgenders!

You do not believe me? Try reading or listening closely to a transgender describe the reasons why they "identify" as something other than what they are. Boys who have an interest in playing with dolls, or who were sensitive, or did not have an interest in rough-housing, etc. These boys somehow think that men are not sensitive or that you have to be interested in rough-housing in order to be a man. These thoughts are encouraging the very stereotypes that society (especially feminists) have been trying to rub out for decades!

I am an artistic individual; I have been drawing since I was 4 years old. I enjoy writing and being creative, though this blog and my published works are factual-based. I can be strongly firm, but I can also be sensitive. I never had an interest in girl's toys and such, but I also never had an interest in rough-housing. I have no interest in hurting my body, and have always been cautious with the things I do. I also do not enjoy hurting others, and if I am put in a situation where I have to defend myself physically, even though I triumph I still feel bad afterward.

Feeling bad about having to kick the tar out of someone who has a desire to physically harm me has never made me feel like less of a man. Being sensitive after causing undo hurt to my loved ones has never made me feel like less of a man. Having no desire to engage in rough-housing has never made me feel like less of a man. If you believe that not fitting the stereotypes somehow makes you not what you are, then you are mentally unstable (and perhaps you had a butthole of a father). A man is a man is a man, just as a woman is a woman is a woman. Stronger, weaker; firmer, softer; insensitive, sensitive; etc., etc., etc. Having more or less of these qualities does not make you less of a man or woman. The amount of melanin in your skin can make your skin either darker (black) or lighter (white), or anything in between. But having more or less melanin in your skin does not make you more or less of a human being.

Gender/sex is not a "construct." Gender/sex is not a "spectrum." Gender/sex are the same and interchangeable. The Y chromosome is what determines masculinity. Your gender/sex is already determined the moment the sperm penetrates the egg. Sperm come in X or Y, female or male. If you have your DNA analyzed, the fact of your gender/sex will be revealed. You are one or the other; male or female. You are a he or a she. You cannot be the opposite, and there is no in-between.

All through history there have been different types of men and women. The differences do not make them more or less of a man or woman. The warrior is not more of a man, and the scholar is not less of a man. Being more in touch with your feelings and having a compassion for others does not make you a female or relate you in any way, shape, or form to the female. You are a male in touch with his feelings, having a compassion for others. Being tougher and keeping your feelings in check does not make you a male or relate you in any way, shape or form to the male. You are a female who is strong and can keep her feelings in check.

For all the attempts at trying to eliminate stereotypes, homosexuals and transgenders are encouraging and reinforcing them. Their arguments are that if you do not feel like a stereotypical male or female, then you must not be a male or female and should "identify" as the opposite or something different and imaginary. And that simply is not true. Being "true to you" does not involve denying who and what you are. Being "true to you" means embracing all aspects of who and what you are. If you are sensitive and compassionate, then be the sensitive and compassionate man that you are. If you are strong and composed, then be the strong and composed woman that you are. Do not pretend to be something that you are not and will never be! And definitely do not demand that others pretend you are something that you are not and will never be!

It is 2019, and you would think that as a society we would be moving forward and advancing. However, society is regressing and becoming more uncivilized, resembling more and more the uncivilized tribes of the past: marking themselves up with ink everywhere, mutilating themselves with piercings everywhere, stretching their earlobes and other things out, etc. The small town I live in has more tattoo and piercing parlours than it has Tim Hortons (for Americans, imagine it being Starbucks). We have indeed returned to the Dark Ages, but instead of being ruled by Catholicism, we are ruled by Extreme Leftism, dissuading individuals from thinking for themselves or examining the facts and evidence of a thing in order to accept the truth and reality of it. Our society, thinking itself wise, has become extremely foolish, and the people go along with it because they do not have any sense of their own.
"The least deviation from truth will be multiplied later." -Aristotle

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." -Plato

"To find yourself, think for yourself." -Socrates

"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." -Anatole France

"Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." -Dwight Eisenhower