Friday, February 08, 2019

Semper Reformanda

The church, in her current state of imperfection, ought to always be striving to bring herself in line with what God has declared in His Word, the Bible. The further we move away, the more He is dishonoured. If we catch ourselves becoming uncompassionate and unloving, we must swiftly move back. If we find ourselves too inwardly focused, we must recover a passion for souls. If we read the Scriptures and see an area of error, we must repent and quickly move back in line. If we discover that we have adopted a worldly set of guiding principles, we must look again at what God has declared in His holy Word and rebuild our foundations. The reformed church must always be reforming according to the Word of God. Our guiding principle should always be, "What do the Scriptures teach?" And then we ought to be conforming ourselves accordingly. To not do so is to live in rebellion and disobedience.