Tuesday, January 28, 2020

No Such Thing As A Backslider

Want biblical evidence that there is no such thing as a "backslider"?

"But Jesus said to him, 'No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.'" Luke 9:62

Not to mention that the word never occurs in the New Testament, and the five words that occur in the Old Testament all have the meaning of "faithless, unfaithful, turning away, rebellious, apostate, apostasy." John 6:66 and 1 John 2:19 describe apostates. They were never believers to begin with. They could not "backslide" because they never slid forward in the first place.

Those who typically attempt to argue for "backsliding" tend to utilize the "sin argument," trying to make excuses for themselves and defend some sin pattern in their life they do not want to repent of. Sometimes a good, hard look at what Scripture says about the Christian is needed so that we can examine ourselves and see if we are truly in the faith. Because Scripture makes it clear that we can be deceived about this. Do not think so? Read Matthew 7:21-23.

First John is the litmus test for every genuine believer. If the things written there do not describe or define you (or me), or the direction in our life (meaning we are not stagnant), then there is a problem (because the rest of the New Testament agrees with everything found there). If those things are not true of us, and we are not growing in them, then as Paul challenges in 2 Corinthians 13:5, we might want to examine ourselves to see if we are truly Christians or if we have merely latched onto some gimmick as a "Get-out-of-Hell-free" pass. There are many false gospels being peddled out there (pray a prayer, walk an aisle, sign a card, make a decision, let Jesus into your heart, try Jesus, etc., etc., etc.), and if you do not have the right one, you are still on that broad road that leads to destruction. The biblical Gospel is repentance and faith (trust) in the Person and work of Jesus the Messiah. You cannot have faith in a prayer, faith in having walked an aisle, faith in having signed a card, of even faith in your faith... If your faith is not placed in and on the proper object, then your faith is no faith at all. And if your faith is not put into action, then your so-called faith is vain, empty, useless, and dead, as James informs us. "Actions speak louder than words." What you really believe will always be lived out in your life. As Charles Spurgeon said, "If there is one fact, one doctrine, or one promise in the Bible, which has produced no practical effect upon your temper or conduct—be assured that you do not truly believe it." Scripture agrees.