Sunday, January 10, 2021

Despicable Christians!

The Witness Lee cult has a bad habit of trying to attach the name of Watchman Nee to their teachings in order to gain some credibility. They also have the wretched habit of republishing his works with alterations and additions that conform to their own teachings. This is highly dishonest. Having to behave in this manner just exposes yourselves as a cult.

Allegedly, from various comments I have read around the Internet, when Banner of Truth (or was it Monergism?) republishes the works of saints long dead, they alter some of the original words of the author to "correct" anything they disagree with theologically. This, brothers and sisters, is dishonest and should not be practiced by those who name the name of Jesus. This is not Christian behaviour.

If you are going to republish someone else's work, it should be published exactly as they wrote it. If you have contentions with what they wrote, you can add a section at the beginning or end that discusses it, or you can footnote it and make it known to the reader which footnotes are yours and are not part of the original work.

Just because you disagree with something they taught theologically does not give you the right to alter what they wrote. By doing so, you are putting words in their mouth and making them say things they never said. You are falsely attributing your own words and teachings to them. If you are going to republish the works of Richard Baxter or anyone else, then do so honestly and with integrity! Do not be a conniving liar and alter his original words to say what you want him to say but that he never said. Such behaviour is not Christ-like in the least, and is to spit on the name Christian.

I find it truly amazing how many people call themselves "Christians" who are willing to lie and deceive like this. A Christian should never lie! If you do not have an answer or do not know the answer, then be a man and have the humility to say, "I don't know," instead of making stuff up or outright lying about it. Do not alter someone else's works and their words just because you do not agree with what they said or taught. You do not have the right to do so! Christians who behave in this manner are despicable! Christians who lie in order to save face are no better.