Saturday, January 09, 2021

Joshua Chavez

Joshua "Chavez" Monroe (as is likely his real name) is a YouTube personality known as Servus Christi. Although I do not think he has ever said it, by his actions he purports to be a minister of discernment. In some of his videos, he has some very accurate things to say, such as his video "Most Professing Christians Would Have Hated Jesus." The accuracy of these things, however, is not justification for the wrong (and sometimes sinful) things he says and does.

As a similar example, I once debated a Jewish homosexual named Alex Haiken who professed to be a Christian. He quoted to me a great many accurate statements with regard to exegesis. The problem, however, is that he was not putting a single one of them into practice. Quoting something accurate does not lend support to false interpretations of Scripture, justification of personal sin, or failure to enact what you are quoting.

Just because people say or quote accurate things does not mean everything they say or do is above board. Or even true. It certainly does not mean we should be idolizing them. Scripture itself must be our only rule of faith and practice. Our actions had best match our words.

Joshua condemns others for their "guilt by association," yet he is guilty of the same, which makes him a hypocrite. On his website,, he recommends Beresford Job (now Chigwell Christian Fellowship) and Moriel Ministries (James "Jacob" A. Prasch). On the Beresford Job website, he promotes John Piper, John MacArthur, and Paul Washer. Therefore, according to Joshua's "guilt by assocation" argument, he is two degrees of separation away from some of the men he condemns. And since Piper associates with Rick Warren, that makes him three degrees away from Warren, and four degrees away from people Warren associates with. James Prasch, on the other hand, is close friends with Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, who is close friends with Rick Warren. Again, two degrees of separation, and three from those Warren associates with. Prasch was also friends with the late Chuck Missler, who was friends with Kim Clement. That is three degrees away from a known false teacher, and two degrees away from another false teacher.

If Joshua is going to attack others for their "guilt by association," then he should be paying extremely close attention to his own guilt by association. By not doing so, Joshua is engaging in the hypocrisy of "do as I say, but not as I do." What did Matthew 7:3-5 say? What did Romans 1:28-2:3 say? Do you understand the relation of the speck and plank? They were sins of the same type. Whether small or big, if you commit the same sin as those you condemn, you condemn yourself because you do the same. This is not an "attack" on Joshua; it is simple observation, which any individual possessing the least amount of wisdom, understanding, and discernment, and rooted deeply in the Scriptures, could spot. By the way, if we were to monitor our "guilt by association" relationships, then we'd never have any fellowship with anyone but ourselves because every single person is connected to someone else who is connected to someone questionable. To cut such ties would leave us as islands unto ourselves.

While there is nothing wrong with us being friends and spending time with unbelievers and false teachers, nevertheless we should not be walking in their ways but exposing their wicked deeds. We should be witnessing to them and praying for them. Jesus spent time with various sinners, but He never lowered Himself to participate in their wickedness and hypocrisy. Instead, He frequently exposed their hypocrisy, especially the religious elite.

While this is bad, if what Pulpit & Pen has written is true, then Joshua has much bigger problems. Allegedly he wooed a woman from South Africa, got her over to America, "married" her, consummated that "marriage," and then sent her back to Africa. The woman in question apparently still refers to Joshua as her husband, but he has ghosted her and refuses to communicate with her. He planned to use her to fund his "ministry," but when it turned out she was not independently wealthy but frugal, he turned her aside claiming she would only hinder his "ministry."

First and foremost, Joshua, whatever "ministry" you might have, it takes a back seat to your marriage. Marriage is your primary ministry. If you have children, your family becomes your first ministry. If you put any other ministry before your wife or family, then you are unfit for ministry! If what Pulpit & Pen has written is true, then Joshua "Chavez" Monroe is disqualified from ministry! He reveals himself to be a complete and utter hypocrite. He points out how others should be disqualified from ministry all the while committing far worse and heinous acts. I feel sorry for his wife, and my prayers go out to her. I am praying for Joshua's repentance and reconciliation.