Friday, February 04, 2022

The Abuse of "Christian" Leaders

"As it turns out, it looks like the tyrants don't need to confiscate our firearms after all in order to enslave us. Pastors and Churches are leading the way for America's voluntary enslavement -- all in the name of safety." —James Perloff, Covid-19 and the Agendas to Come, 2020, page 186.

It is absolutely disgusting how "Christian" leaders and "shepherds" in these institutions uncritically signal-boosted government-paid-for propaganda concerning the Wuhan Virus and these experimental mRNA gene therapy medical devices falsely called "vaccines," all to achieve behavioural modification. This is a gross abuse of the trust that has been placed in them by their flocks and the community! This is spiritual abuse and manipulation. It is disturbing that these leaders were willful agents of propaganda. It is even more disturbing that some sold their souls for money offered for them to be agents of propaganda.

Several of these false leaders aided in labeling the truth as "conspiracy" and "satanic." These leaders have had egg on their face for quite some time, and still do. None of them have ever made a retraction of their own devilish behaviour. How can the Gospel go forth, and how can anyone trust the "Church," when you have criminals like this actively working against the truth to promote disinformation propaganda?

"Christians" who use manipulation and twist Scripture to say, "Loving your neighbours means receiving these injections," should be ashamed of themselves. You are no better than a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon when you do this. False teacher Rick Warren even accused Christians of being "unloving" for not wearing a mask, saying that, "Wearing a mask is the great commandment, 'Love your neighbour as yourself.'" He goes on to say, "One of the responsibilities of faith leaders is to tell the people to trust the 'science.'" Not to trust the Lord. Which "science" is he referring to? Warren is so unqualified as a "Christian" leader that it is ridiculous.

The phrase "trust the science" is meaningless in the scientific world. You never trust the science. Questioning science is science. Otherwise you would still be drinking cocaine (Coca-Cola), giving kids cough syrup with heroin (Bayer), spraying people with DDT (the 'miracle cure' that could kill mosquitoes and end Polio), and smoking the cigarette brand your doctor recommended ( You need to trust the scientific method, the practice of experimentation and observation. When the truth is not on your side, you have to rely on manipulation, smearing, gaslighting, jamming, and intimidation.

Christians are supposed to be ministers of the truth. This means all truth. Christians are supposed to "Know the truth. Speak the truth. Stand for the truth." So why did these "Christian" leaders not do precisely that? Why did some of these "Christian" leaders accept monetary bribes in order to help spread the propaganda? These "Christian" leaders conspired to subvert the truth. Each and every one of these leaders is disqualified from ministry! These leaders must be forced to step down. They have abrogated their authority and the trust extended to them.

Like I said before...