Monday, February 21, 2022

The Cult of Veganism

Animals are not "soulful"! They are soul-less! They do not have souls!

Only one species was given a soul, and that is man:

"Then Yahweh God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7

No serious individual professing to be a Christian can call themselves a Vegan; the Vegan's god is the animals while the Christian's God is Yahweh.

If you choose not to eat meat, but only fruits and vegetables, that is fine. However, you are not a "Vegan"; you are a Vegetarian. Get your terms correct! Vegans are a cult who worship all animals. They do not just believe that we should not eat animals, but that we should not use them in clothing or in any other way. They do not believe that we should use honey from bees or silk from silk worms either. A true Vegan will not wear a leather belt or shoes because they come from animals. That is, if he/she is the least bit consistent and not a double-minded hypocrite.

If you are a Christian who chooses to be a Vegetarian, understand that Scripture calls you the "weaker" brother:

"One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only." Romans 14:2

Before you attempt any silly arguments or excuses, let me remind you that "all Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim. 3:16). What Paul wrote here, he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write. Ergo, Paul's words here come directly from God, which means they are God's words. God called you the "weaker" brother. I encourage you to think twice before you attempt to argue with God.

Vegans, like most delusional individuals, are incapable of independent critical thought. They are unable to think logically, objectively, or even rationally. Like homophiles, transphiles, and the politically far-Left, Vegans are led about and controlled by their emotions. Their cognitive functions are intellectually void. Vegans will try to convince other humans that we should not eat fish or other animals by concocting ridiculous nonsensical illustrations, such as fish being close-knit families swimming around talking with each other when suddenly their brother or sister or whatever is snatched away forever. If Vegans possessed even an ounce of intelligence, they would try applying their nonsensical illustrations to the entire animal kingdom. Their close-knit family of fish are swimming around talking with each other when suddenly their brother or sister or whatever is snatched away forever by a bear or a raccoon, or a wolf, etc. Are these Vegans going to start telling all animals that they need to stop eating each other? Will they use the same pathetically lame illustrations? Owls eat rabbits and mice. Wolves eat deer and rabbits. How about spiders eating flies? What about anteaters eating ants? Oh no! How atrocious and devastating!

The entire idea of Veganism deserves to be mocked. They show you photos of these creatures and talk about how beautiful they are, but they refuse to open their eyes to the real world and look at images of animals attacking other animals in order to eat and survive. They attempt to call humans "inhumane" for doing so, and pretend animals doing so do not actually exist. They are attempting to live out their own fantasy world and demanding others submit to it, too, exactly the same as homophiles and transphiles. Try as hard as you want, but you cannot sweep reality under the rug and pretend it does not actually exist. It is one thing to be concerned with the inhumane treatment of animals (we should always take the best care of them, as God commanded us in the Garden), but it is another thing to say we should not eat them when nature itself is doing the eating. You can defend a worthwhile cause without going overboard and becoming a complete lunatic.